Season 3 | Chapter 17 | Shore Leave?!

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New Character Profile:

New Character Profile:

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Name: Wong Kahei

Position: Artist

Relaxes by:

- Freshening up in the bathroom


- Gossips

- Shoes


- Other people hogging the bathroom

- Smoke

- Air conditioner

- Radio music

Strengths & Weaknesses

- Good at art, but terrible at anything else!

Technical Task: Poor

Financial Task: Poor

Art Task: Outstanding

Writing Task: Poor

Episode Description:

- Now he's telling everyone to stop working so much?!




Kim Lip: Honestly! I've never had to work directly with him, and I'm shocked.

Renjun: You weren't around when he got hooked on his motivational speaking fad.

Kim Lip: Well, telling me to sit around and do nothing is too much, I...

Taeyong: (Walks in) Ahem! Attention, everyone!

Taeyong: I have some more announcements to make!

Kim Lip: Oh, good lord, what now?

Taeyong: It's come to my attention that the mandatory workload I previously instituted might have been a little much for some of you.

Renjun: (Whispering) What? He's actually changing his mind?

Taeyong: And as I've always said, the hallmark of good leadership is flexibility.

Taeyong: So, starting now, as the leader of this team, I'm declaring some shore leave!

Winwin: What, like we're going to the beach? That sounds awesome.

Taeyong: Heh heh heh.

Taeyong: Well, we actually do have to get some work done, no avoiding that! But as of today, we should all try not to do more than four tasks in a day.

Kim Lip: (Loosing her chill like she always does) Four tasks? Only four in a whole fucking day?! How in the world do you expect us to keep this place from falling apart?

Taeyong: Hmm. Now surely...

Haseul: Um... Perhaps we could take turns?

Haseul: So that not everyone is on shore leave the same day?

Taeyong: Right you are, Haseul. And call me Taeyong. I'll leave you to sort out the details.

Taeyong: Ah, and one other thing.

Taeyong: That poor Caucasian lad, Jaehyun. He was clearly far too overworked, and I gave him some time off.

Renjun: Right... I'm sure he was dog-tired from all the napping.

Kim Lip: Four tasks in a day and we're short an employee?

Taeyong: Oh ho ho ho. No need to worry Jungeun! I've brought in a replacement for Heejin.

Taeyong: She's quite the little graphic designer... this is Vivi.

Vivi: Hello, everyone! I'm sure we'll have a marvelous time working together!

Haseul: Pleased to meet you, Vivi!

Vivi: Cuz, I simply must go powder my nose, yes?

Taeyong: Powder your nose?

The newly employed artist who happens to be Taeyong's cousin from a cousin and from another cousin proceeds to the comfort room.

Vivi: Be a dear and do let me know if the shipment from Clinique arrives!

Taeyong: Clinique? What is that, some sort of medical supply company?

Haseul: No, sir, just makeup.

Taeyong: Ugh. I see... Um, all right everyone, back to work!

Kim Lip: Gracious. I need a cigarette...

Renjun: I need to beat my high score on challenge mode.

Winwin: Dude... I need to get away from these clouds of cigarette cancer...

And in a blink of an eye, everyone started slacking off in their respected happy places...

Vivi: wtf!!! That had better not be cigarette smoke I smell!!

Vivi: Nicotine could affect my hair color, and this style cost more than someone's soul!




Haseul: Everything all right, Taeyong?

Taaeyong: Oh! Yes, yes...

Taeyong: Haseul, will you show Kahei around for me?

Haseul: Oh, ah... sure!

Haseul: She's your cousin, is that right?

Taeyong: Well, sort of.

Taeyong: My cousin's cousin's cousin, from Hong Kong.

Taeyong: Barely know them, not really my type of people, you know?

Haseul: Well, yeah, I can show her around!

Taeyong: Thank you, lass! I wouldn't know what to do with her, she's just so... so...! Makeup, hair color...

Haseul: Um... I wear slight makeup too, sir.

Taeyong: Oh, of course, I know that! But at least you wear pants, like a man! I can relate to you...

Taeyong: Now, what's this I hear about a new videogame high score?

Taeyong: Perfect place to show my competitive camaraderie with good old Renjun!




Haseul:Pants, like a man? And I kind of liked these capris...

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