Season 1 | Chapter 7 | Seriously No More (2/2)

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Episode Description:

- Doyoung's turned over a new leaf... Can the office survive his change of mindset?




Renjun: So, uh... what exactly did you tell him, anyway? He's been acting totally inhumane.

Haseul: Oh gosh, I really don't even know! Unless it was just me saying that he didn't have to take his job seriously!

Renjun: Hah! You probably knocked out the last crumbling pillar of his work-obsessed worldview.

Haseul: I... I did?

Haseul: Is he going to be ok?

The two of them watches awkwardly when they saw Doyoung in the pantry and realizing he hasn't been leaving that place throughout office hours.

Renjun: Probably good for him in the long run.

Doyoung: I don't see why I can't just spend all my time making Huo Duo...

Jaehyun: Because it would be a health hazard?

Jaehyun: Because that stuff looks like cardboard paste smeared on some chewed-up strips of cardboard in cardboard gravy?

Jaehyun: Because...

Doyoung: Whatever, dude...

Jaehyun: What?!

Jaehyun: Dude?

Doyoung: Hey Haseul, I've been meaning to tell you.

Haseul: Yes, Doyoungie? How are you feeling?

Doyoung: Not so great.

Doyoung: I'm kind of tired of this joint, you dig?

Haseul: Uh... I think I might... dig?

Everyone was in total shock upon hearing Doyoung's next words... Even causing Heejin to leave her eyes off the white board for a second...

Doyoung: I realized you're totally right. I don't need this job.

Doyoung: I don't need... this fucking... JOB!

Doyoung: Ahem. Sorry about that.

Doyoung: What I meant to say is, I'll be resigning.

Jaehyun: What?!

Haseul: Well, I'm very proud of you, Doyoung.

Renjun: That's a first. You're proud of him?

Haseul: Well, yes.

Haseul: You've obviously been thinking about your feelings toward your work here, and I guess you've decided you don't want to be here anymore...

Haseul: What exactly are you going to do next, anyway?

Doyoung: Oh, I know all of you think I'm just a mild-mannered accountant.

Doyoung: But I assure you, I have dreams! I have ambitions! I have plans!

Doyoung: Well, not so much plans yet, but they're soon to be made. I don't know what they'll be, but one thing is for sure...

Doyoung: They will involve Hot Pot...

As Doyoung makes his final appearance, final words also came out of his mouth...

Doyoung: Hasta la fuego, amigos!

Heejin: Uh... Did he just say... until the fire??

Renjun: I think he meant hasta luego.

Renjun: But who knows with that guy...

Renjun: I hope you like financial tasks, hyung.

Jaehyun: Noooooooooooooooooooo!

Renjun: And I hope you (points at Haseul) can explain all this to the management... and Jungeun.

Haseul: Jungeun?

Renjun: Oh, you'll see.

Renjun: You'll see soooooooon enough.

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