Season 3 | Chapter 18 | Mad Mad Management

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Episode Description:

- Winwin and Vivi can't share a bathroom, and Renjun's had it up to here with Taeyong...




Kim Lip: I'm telling you, I've had enough! He's a middle management maniac!

Renjun: You're one to be talking... but for once, I agree...

Renjun: Noona, you've got to do something! Everyone's on edge from his mad management schemes.

Haseul: Me!? But why, I...




Vivi: Eww, oh my god, gross! It's bad enough that I have to share a bathroom with anyone, and worse that it's... ugh. Unisex!

Winwin: Man, you are so out of touch with the way the universe works.

Vivi: Augh! You... filthy hippie!

Haseul: Guys, guys! What's wrong?

Vivi: He keeps going in the bathroom and coughing all over everything, that's what's wrong!

Vivi: If you're so sick, go to a hospital!

Winwin: Bruh... it's no wonder I'm sick! You're using enough artificial cosmetics to kill an elephant.

Taeyong: Haseul!

Taeyong: Can I have a moment of your time, ASAP?

Haseul: Oh! Be right there!




Taeyong: I've been thinking.

Taeyong: You need to understand the masculine mindset a little better in order to relate to your male coworkers.

Haseul: The... masculine mindset?

Taeyong: Yes! Competitive! Fierce! Determined!

Haseul: WoW... that's so sexist...

Taeyong: And I have just the thing!

Haseul: You're not going to make me lift weights, are you? I prefer yoga.

Taeyong: No, no, silly. I just want you to play this videogame!

Renjun: !?!?!?

Haseul: What?

Haseul: But I'm not so good at... games...

Taeyong: All the more reason to play. It's skill building!

Tayeong: After playing against Renjun the other day and beating his high score...

Renjun: You did NOT beat my high score!

Renjun: You were playing on easy mode!

Taeyong: See what I mean? Aggressive! Competitive!

Taeyong: I realize how valuable this kind of thing is for our corporate culture. So, I want you to spend some time with it.

Haseul: Oh... okay.

Taeyong: And as for you, my fearless opponent...

Renjun: I don't need to play you anymore. I already have the high score.

Taeyong: No, no, I need to talk to you about something quite different... and more serious.

Taeyong: I've been informed there are some problems with the backup servers, and some network problems as well.


Taeyong: Renjun! I'm shocked.

Taeyong: It's a small king who blames others for his problems in his castle.

Renjun: I'll take care of it!

Taeyong: No, no, first things first. I think you need to focus on getting up to speed, so that we're all on the same page.

Renjun: What?!

Taeyong: I want you to spend much time with the latest training materials and technical manuals. Make sure you're up to date.

Renjun: But I don't need training!

Renjun: I probably WROTE some of the manuals you're talking about!!

Taeyong: Ah ah ah! No buts. You can always learn some more.

Taeyong: Think of it as vertical integration of your workflow specialization.

Renjun: That's just meaningless management fuckery!

Taeyong: Renjun, as much as I admire those qualities, I think you might be getting a little TOO determined and aggressive... Maybe stop playing that game so much?

Renjun: I'm going to...

Renjun: (Walks away and went straight to his desk) When I get my hands on...




Vivi: Hippie!

Winwin: Uh... rich girl!

Kim Lip: Now see what you've done?

Haseul:Oh dear. It's going to be a long day.

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