Season 3 | Chapter 20 | Abandon Ship? (1/2)

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Episode Description:

- Taeyong's mysteriously vanished... someone's got to be in charge!




Vivi: So, I tell him no, absolutely not!

Vivi: I won't let him valet my car unless he takes his shoes off first!

Vivi: He was wearing raggedy old sneakers!

Kim Lip: Were they dirty or something?

Vivi: Well no, but they looked like they were from the discount bin!

Vivi: I have a very tasteful car, what if someone saw?

Haseul: Hey guys...

Haseul: Have you seen Taeyong around today?

Kim Lip: Hmm.

Kim Lip: No, he hasn't been here. I didn't see him yesterday either.

Winwin: I haven't seen him since he tried to get us all to go video gaming!

Vivi: Maybe he's left early for Memorial Day weekend!

Vivi: I certainly wish I could... Yong Qin promised to take me on his yacht!

Kim Lip: Yong Qin? I thought you were seeing Kun?

Vivi: Kun?

Vivi: Eww, no!

Vivi: He works for SMent, that's such a tired old investment firm!

Vivi: Yong Qin works for a hedge fund. Everyone who's anyone is in hedge funds!

Haseul: Um, I hate to interrupt all the discussion about better men and stuff, but about Taeyong...

Kim Lip: Yes, he's being tremendously irresponsible! We were already in a crunch with work enough for six, and now there are only four of us!

Winwin: It's fine with me, man... No boss-man to push me around with his fascist 'job' propaganda...

Kim Lip: (In a very annoyed expression) You're at work.

Kim Lip: You're being paid to be here!

Winwin: Blood money, man! Blood money.

Haseul: Oh dear...

Haseul: Well, everyone, can we try to get some work done? They're still sending over an awful lot of tasks!

Vivi: Fine, whatever!

Kim Lip: I suppose you'll have to wake up Jaehyun too. He does enjoy his sleep.

Haseul: I can't just let hum sleep! This is an office, we have jobs!

Kim Lip: Look here, little Miss Grasping-For-Authority!

This has been my team far longer than you've been around, even if you've managed to get rid of most of it!

Haseul: Get rid of? But I...

Kim Lip: If you insist on running this team ragged like Taeyong did, I'll make sure the board of directors hears about it! Too much stress is not good for morale!

Without letting Haseul say anything anymore, Jungeun heads to the smoking area.




Haseul: Well! She's certainly one to be talking...

Haseul: I suppose I could do a better job than Taeyong of balancing work and relaxation, though...

*Flashback two days ago*

Office hours will end in a minute... The team effort that everyone was suppose to look forward to ended up with Lip having to do most of the work and in reaching their quota.




Taeyong: All right everyone, good work!

Taeyong: We really leveraged that challenge into a win-win solution for the whole team!

Winwin: Dude, does this guy even speak English? Yo no habla suit-speak.

Taeyong: As celebration, we're going to have a surprise company party, this evening!

Everyone showed faces of disagreement.

Jaehyun: What, tonight?

Taeyong: Absolutely!

Taeyong: We're going to the PUBG tournament I've heard of a few blocks from here! I know you 20-somethings love the video game!

Vivi: Is this some kind of horrifying joke?

Vivi: Are we on camera?

Vivi: Dejun? Are you there?

Taeyong: Lip, don't worry, there will be exciting activities for you too! I've got your knitting!

Kim Lip: You've got to be fucking kidding...

Jaehyun: Sorry, hyung! I have a party to go to downtown!

Vivi: Me too!

Vivi: I am so out of here.

Vivi: Video games are not my idea of class!

Winwin: Hey, wait up, dudes...

Half of the team went straight to the elevator hurriedly.

Taeyong: But... Lip? Haseul?

Kim Lip: I... have plenty of... knitting to do at home. I'll see you tomorrow (Walks out immediately).

Haseul: I'm sorry. I don't think anyone wanted to go... they're all exhausted after all this work.

Taeyong: But... I don't understand! It seems like... none of them like me!

Haseul: Well... they don't like you, sir. I think they'd rather spend their time with other friends after work.

Taeyong: But I'm a good person! A leader! My troops ought to want to relax with me after a hard day's labor, have a drink, put our feet up!

Haseul: Actually... I hate to say this, but you're NOT doing a very good job leading us.

Taeyong: What...? You don't mean... But I try so hard!

Haseul: Well, you're good at the kind of work people do here.

Haseul: You're just not good at telling other people how to do their jobs!

Taeyong: Are you... Are you telling me I'm not... management material?

Haseul: Well, not everyone is!

Haseul: We have a lot of great team members here who would make terrible managers.

Taeyong: I'll have to think about this a bit.

Haseul: Are you sure you even want to be a manager, sir?

Haseul: Maybe your leadership aren't for a team of office employees.

Haseul: You spend so much time thinking about how to do it right, but...

Taeyong: Dismissed.

Haseul: (Heads out leaving Taeyong alone) Good night, sir.

Taeyong:... and thank you.

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