Season 5 | Chapter 36 | Her Real Plan (2/2)

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Episode Description:

- In which the team discover at last how to balance work and play... Or will they?




Haseul: Well, we made it so far, and we even hit the required budget numbers...

Jinsoul: Good work, but I'm afraid the board's still screaming bloody murder about Sooyoung's performance. They're demanding even more loudly that she be dismissed.

Renjun: And if she gets fired... her "personal staff" will undoubtedly be cut too.

Haseul: Personal staff... Wait, you mean us?! Oh, geez... what are we going to do? After we worked so hard to meet the board's budget projections, too...




Yves: The budget? Are you guys still talking about the budget problems the board was complaining about?

Renjun: Huh? You knew about that?

Yves: People. People! Those fogeys on the board have been threatening me with that kind of thing for years. They're not going to rest until they've kicked me out of the CEO chair.

Yves: Which is why I plan on letting them!

Haseul: Letting them?! You mean... you're going to let them fire you?

Yves: I already did! I'm no longer the CEO, as of last night.

Renjun: What?! So, you're... quitting?

Yves: I'm tired of this racket. I've just been working my ass off for the last few weeks to make sure this company doesn't fall apart at the seams after I leave.

Yves: It was Jiwoo's pride and joy, after all. But she's gone, and I can't stay tied to it forever!

Haseul: So, all of the budget goals we were trying to hit...

Yves: They were still really important, believe me. Kept the board off my back while I wrapped everything up! All of the work we've been doing... well, some of it was the usual, the annual report, that kind of thing. But a lot of it was so that I could restructure the company bylaws.

Renjun: You don't mean...

Yves: Yep. The board may have gotten me out of the executive chair, but that doesn't mean they'll be able to run the company however they want!

Yves: There is one last problem, though.

Haseul: Oh, no, what is it now?

Yves: Hehe, nothing to worry about. You see, some of the policy changes I just made have to do with profit-sharing. The board's not going to like that!

Renjun: Wait, you mean...

Yves: I just need to figure out how to funnel all this extra budget you've been earning back into fat bonus checks for all of you!

Everyone was in total awe upon hearing the news.

Jaehyun: Excellent!

Jinsoul: A very fitting last act as CEO!

Renjun: Even I didn't expect that!

Doyoung: You actually did great for asking me to come back here Yoon Oh! Well, it looks like I'm not needed here anymore... so I'm going to ride off, into the sunset!

Yves: I need to take care of a few things before leaving myself...

The remaining four employees were left with still many questions that goes through their minds.

Haseul: Wow, that totally explains the weird e-mail I got... and I thought it was a mistake!

Jinsoul: Weird e-mail?

Haseul: Yeah, I guess they're offering me a promotion now that Sooyoung is leaving...

Renjun; Wait, you mean YOU'RE going to be the next CEO?

Jinsoul: You can get promoted that fast?!

Haseul: Oh! No, no, nothing like that! They just offered me a promotion to interim coordinator... You know, to manage the office, and some other things... until they find a new executive, I guess?

Renjun: And who knows when that will be!

Jaehyun: How exciting! Haseul at the reins.... And I have her ear, like the power behind the throne!

Haseul: ...

Haseul: You really think it would be a while until they find someone, Renjun? I... I don't know if I really want that much pressure on me...

Renjun: All joking aside, I only have one piece of advice.

Jinsoul: Who knows... it could be one of us in this room right now!

Renjun: For god's sake, don't take a job like that unless you really want to do it.

Haseul: I... I just don't know!

Renjun: I think that's your problem. You don't know what you want!

Haseul: What... rally? I mean, I like this job in a lot of ways...

Renjun: I think what you like is helping other people. But what do you want for yourself?

Jinsoul: Wow.

Haseul: I haven't really thought about that this whole time. I just needed a job. What about you, Renjun? Are you happy here?

Renjun: Eh, not really. It's a job. But I've got other stuff going on.

Jaehyun: Really? You have a life?

Renjun: I don't talk about it much here. I do art commission and one of my works recently became a finalist for pieces that would most likely be part of the exhibit on the newly built museum somewhere downtown. I also play the piano in a quartet, and I just joined a group who performs such choreography. That kind of thing.

Jaehyun: I'm impressed. I usually just recover from hangovers on weekends!

Renjun: Yeah, you're not a 'lifer' like me even though you're capable of doing more. This place drives me crazy sometimes.

Renjun: But as long as I keep my head down and the idiot's off my case, it suits me just fine for more than half a day.

Jaehyun: Whereas I don't think I'll be around this place more than a year or so, in any case.

Haseul: I totally haven't thought about my plans like you guys!

Renjun: Don't sweat it, kiddo! The future's wide open. And speaking of more than half a day, and the future, I need to get out of here.

JInsoul: And speaking of plans, I'd better get going as well...

After a more serious talk, the team decided to leave before they go even beyond midnight, except two of them.

Jaehyun: I have to run too, cute stuff... you gonna be ok?

Haseul: Yeah... you know what? I think I will be!




Haseul: After all, work isn't everything!

The End




...well,there's a little more, actually.

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