Season 3 | Chapter 16 | The Boss to the World

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Episode Description:

- Taeyong's insisting that everyone should do tasks they're not good at!




Haseul: Well... that wasn't so bad, was it?

Jaehyun: Speak for yourself! You're just running around like you always do. I actually had to work!

Haseul: Hey, my job is work too!

Winwin: People, people! You can't let the man turn you against each other.

While the three of them were talking, another three suddenly appeared on the scene. One from the comfort room, one from the elevator, and one who just... appeared out of nowhere.

Taeyong: Ah, Renjun. I'm glad you're here!

Taeyong: Come, my child... we have much to discuss!

Renjun: Uh... Hi.

Renjun: I'm just here to fix a router someone said wouldn't boot up...

Taeyong: No, no! Heheheh. I just told them that to get you here!

Renjun: What? You got me all the way down here to...

Taeyong: Listen, I understand you've been very helpful to Haseul.

Taeyong: An integral part of the team!

Renjun: I suppose, but...

Taeyong: And surely you must realize that what this team really needs is a boss! Am I right?

Taeyong: A strong hand on the rudder.

Renjun: That's fine, but can't I go and...

Taeyong: Tell me honestly, bro.

Taeyong: You probably grew up fatherless, didn't you? Gunned down when you were just a boy...

Taeyong: ...or maybe doing hard time, as they say?

Renjun: (In a very irritated look) What?!?! My dad is an anesthesiologist at the hospital back in China!

Taeyong: Oh! Uh... such a taxing job. I'm sure he never had time to shoot hoops with you.

Renjun: Actually, we go every year at...

Taeyong: But that's beside the point. You all need a role model, a father figure. Or... more like a brother figure.

Taeyong: Listen up, everyone!

Taeyong: We're going to try something new again today. Get excited!

Jaehyun: Oh god, no.

Taeyong: Today you lads will be 'cross-training' your skills!

Taeyong: Jaehyun, you're well-rounded, but you could use some work on your writing.

Taeyong: Winwin... a decent writer! But you ought to learn how to repair your own computer, so we'll give you some technical tasks!

Winwin: Whatever, man.

Renjun: What? You can't let him touch my...

Taeyong: Ah, don't think I've forgotten about you, Renjun!

Taeyong: You need to work on developing your right brain.

Renjun: My what?

Taeyong: So, you'll be doing art tasks today. Why don't you try doing them all with your left hand?

Haseul: Um, sir...

Haseul: Do you really think that's...

Kim Lip: Oh, excellent idea, Mr. Lee.

Kim Lip: I can continue handling the financial tasks...

Taeyong: No, no, Lip. I have something different in mind for you.

Kim Lip: Hmm?

Taeyong: You've been working so hard. A lady of your... experienced years... ought to take it a bit easier.

Taeyong: We don't want your osteoporosis acting up!

Kim Lip: I don't have osteofuckingporosis!

Taeyong: But you might, at your very young age! And we wouldn't want the company to have to pay for a hip replacement!

Taeyong: I want you to take a break. Just sit on the couch and relax, my dear.

Taeyong: Meanwhile I will be improving my hand-eye coordination at the videogame machine.

Renjun: ?!?!?!?!?

Taeyong: All right everyone, let's get to work!

Kim Lip: Well, I never!

Taeyong left and everyone started to panic.

Renjun: All of you... just keep your hands off my machine!


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