Season 4 | Chapter 28 | Meltdown (2/2)

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Episode Description:

- The truth behind Project LIP is about to be revealed...




Office hours ended and Kim Lip was able to demonstrate complete office mastery by doing most of the tasks herself without any snacks.

Haseul: Uh... Lip. I think we've gotten through the worst of it... We've done most of the work that we had to do for your project.

Kim Lip: Well, we'll see about that!

Haseul: Excuse me? Is there more? I mean, I don't really get it.

Kim Lip: Of course, you don't get it! This is my project, and you're ruining everything! We've got to do it bigger, faster, better, more!

Haseul: But how do you expect all of this work to get done when we don't even know what the plan is? We don't even know what this project we're working on IS, or what our goals are! You haven't told me or anyone else anything except... giving us all this work to do!

Kim Lip: Look, missy! Project LIP is what I say it is! That's why it's called Project LIP!

Haseul: It's called that because you're the only one who knows anything about it, huh?

Renjun: That's true in more ways than one.

The whole room was filled with silence and attention was all coming to the ones who were talking, even waking Jaehyun up.

Renjun: Nobody at Corporate approved this project, you just made it up. I did some asking around. Project LIP doesn't even exist.

Kim Lip: Of course, it exists! It's in my heart, my SOUL, my VISION...

Jaehyun: It's all over my desk.

Renjun: It's taking up half of our available hard drive space.

Haseul: And... you're telling me this isn't even something we were supposed to be doing?

Kim Lip: What? Of course, it's something you're supposed to be doing. We need to prove that this office is the best, fastest, most thrifty, most efficient!

Haseul: But why, Lip?!

Kim Lip: ...why?

Haseul: Why are you doing this? Are you just trying to make us all miserable!?

Kim Lip: What? No!

Haseul: Because you've been just...

Haseul: Just acting like... a big bully!

Kim Lip: (In her most extreme expression) What!

Kim Lip: Well, I... I suppose I felt it was necessary.

Kim Lip: I've been at this company for a lot of years! And do they appreciate me? Do they respect me?

Kim Lip: No.

Kim Lip: I've given everything I have to offer to H.A.I.I. and they don't even listen to me!

Kim Lip: I had to... prove myself...

Haseul: Why are you even still here, then?




Kim Lip: Wha... what?

Haseul: If H.A.I.I. has treated you so badly, then why not leave? Maybe they don't deserve you.

Kim Lip: Well... I couldn't just leave. I mean, we all have our reasons for being loyal to this company...

Renjun: I'm just here because it pays the bills.

Jinsoul: Seemed like a good career move... at the time.

Vivi: Daddy said I had to get a job or he'd freeze my trust fund...

Jaehyun: I do it all for the ladies! And work... lol.

Haseul: Do you even know why you're here, Jungeun? Why you're working so hard?

Haseul: If it's just because you're mad at the company and feel like you have to prove what you already know...

Kim Lip: Yes. Yes, well. I see what you're all trying to tell me.

Kim Lip: I... I had better go now, and think about some... take care of some business.

The team made yet another record for staying in the office this late. Leaving everyone, Kim Lip made her way to the elevator...

Kim Lip: Don't misbehave.




Jaehyun: Wow. I never thought I'd see that day.

Speakerphone: Very impressive management performance.

Jinsoul: What the fuck?

Haseul: Huh? Who... who is that?

Renjun: I'd like to introduce you all to the CEO of this company. She asked to be on speakerphone if... certain events took place.

Haseul: Is that even legal? Poor Jungeun...

Speakerphone: Now, don't worry about Jungeun. She'll be well taken care of.

Speakerphone: We have more important business to attend to.

Jaehyun: What kind of business? I'm getting kind of sleepy again.

Speakerphone: I've been monitoring your team, and I've decided it's time for a bit of corporate restricting. I want you all to report to the executive suite of the head office on Monday morning. That will be all!

Speakerphone: *click*

Haseul: The... CEO?

Renjun: Wow, even I wasn't expecting that.

Vivi: What do you think she wants?

Jaehyun:Only one way to find out! See you all on Monday...

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