Season 1 | Chapter 6 | Seriously No More (1/2)

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Episode Description:

- Doyoung's turned over a new leaf... Can the office survive his change of mindset?




Haseul: Guys... have you seen Doyoung?

Renjun: Is he in the pantry eating that Huo Guo stuff?

Jaehyun: Augh! Don't make me think about that stench so early in the morning! I'm still nauseous from yesterday!

Haseul: No... he's usually here by this time!

Unexpectedly, Doyoung entered the room just as Haseul says so.

Doyoung: Hey dudes and dudettes!

Jaehyun: What did he just say?

Jaehyun: Doyoungie? Is that you, or just someone that looks suspiciously like you?

Doyoung: Yeah, what's wrong? Did you just wake up from another NAP or what?

Doyoung: Hah, I kill me!

Renjun: Right. I've got some work to get on.

Doyoung: Work? That stuff is for squares. You take your job way too seriously!

Renjun: Okay, now I'm starting to wonder who you are too.

Renjun: Did you replace Doyoung? And the rest of the body-snatchers going to beam down soon?

Jaehyun: I, for one, welcome our new slack-happy alien overlords.

Doyoung: Nah, you wiseguys! I just have a new outlook on life, thanks to Haseul!

Haseul: What? Thanks to me?

Doyoung: Yeah. I'll be hanging out in the pantry. Call me if there's any work...

Doyoung:, wait a second, don't! Renjun! You so all the work. You're the fucking know-it-all.

Doyoung: I have more important things to think about, like my new Hot Pot recipe!

Doyoung once again left the conversation but with a more chill aura.

Renjun: It doesn't sound like he'll be doing much today. Other than smelling up this whole side of the office.

Haseul: I think he could use a break! Jaehyun, you can handle his financial tasks pretty well, right?

Jaehyun: For you, my little white dove, anything...

Jaehyun: ...except that!

Haseul: What? Why not!

Jaehyun: I was out all night at that rave Renjun told me about. I need to get some rest!

Renjun: I didn't tell you about any rave, you degenerate!

Jaehyun: That text message wasn't for you?

Renjun: I don't go to any fucking raves!

Haseul: Well... we'll manage somehow, I'm sure. Right,Heejin?

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