Season 5 | Chapter 35 | Her Real Plan (1/2)

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Episode Description:

- In which the team discover at last how to balance work and play... Or will they?




Renjun: So, that's the deal. We have to reach these budget goals, while also keeping my sister from getting fired for bad management practices. Not to mention keeping her from getting so stressed out that she ends up in the hospital!

Doyoung: Wow, no wonder you people aren't in party mode.

Renjun: I don't do party mode.

Yves and Haseul went in the scene after having their early meeting.

Yves: I really can't take much more of this! I'm so stressed out, it's like, it's like... My temples are being used as drums by a fucking marching band.

Haseul: Oh, um... well maybe we can...

Yves: On the other hand, ... At least it's pretty much over now!

Renjun: Say what?

Haseul: Over?

Yves: Yep. It's about time, too... I really need to take a break!

Haseul: But... there's still a lot of work to do! And um... the budget targets...

Yves: The budget? Oh, whatever. Don't worry about that stuff.

Haseul: ...

Renjun: Are you out of your mind?

Yves: Not at all! I'm finally right back in my mind, where I belong.

Renjun: But... but...!

Yves: Hey, calm down, little bro! I plan on trying to relax for a bit. Cleanse my system, center myself, achieve stillness...

Renjun: Centered and still?! You?

Haseul: But Yves... what about the board of directors?

Yves: Those guys? Hah, what are you worrying about them for? Believe me, there's nothing to stress about. I know there's some work to be done, but I'm sure we can handle it.

Yves left the scene once again.

Jinsoul: Well, she certainly seems carefree about all of this.

Haseul: I don't get it! What happened?

Renjun: Maybe she's having a nervous breakdown, like Mr. Hot Pot over here.

Doyoung: Hey, step off the hot pot, "little bro!"

Jinsoul: She's slacking off. Which means she'll be fired for incompetence!

The elevator opened with someone coming out.

Jinsoul: ...and that means all of us will be fired too.

Haseul: GUYS... GUYS! Come on, there's still a lot of work to do. We're going to have to make up for Sooyoung's... um... short sabbatical.

Jinsoul: Hah! Short sabbatical, that's rich.

Jaehyun: Fear not, dear coworkers, I've returned to avert the crisis!

Haseul: Oh, Jaehyun...

Jaehyun: And I swear that I'll actually work for a change, until we're out of this fix!

Renjun: Well, I guess miracles do happen... but it might not be enough this time. Noona (referring to Haseul), we're going to need to develop a contingency plan.

Haseul: You're right... I don't think the board is going to be too happy about Sooyoung dropping her duties to... um... cleanse her system?

Haseul: Oh, and remind me to tell you about this weird e-mail I got from the board, too...

Renjun: What? As if we didn't have enough to worry about!

Haseul and Renjun also went off the scene.

Jaehyun: Wow, they sure are acting serious lately...

Jinsoul: Maybe because they actually managed to make it through puberty, unlike some people?

Jinsoul: Hmm... I'm going to have to make my own plans. That Ha Sooyoung must know something about this company that I don't.

Doyoung: Well... she is the CEO.

With JInsoul also leaving the scene, Jaehyun and Doyoung were left.

Jaehyun: Damn. This place is no fun anymore.

Doyoung: I know just how you feel. I wonder how it's all going to turn out? There are only a few days left until a new year starts.

Doyoung: You know what I do when everything seems bleak?

Jaehyun: Oh, no. A thousand times no. I can guess, but no, I don't want any stench again!

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