Chapter Six

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School was a slow day that week and White luckily had helped me a lot since we both handled the first year for normal classes but I dealt with most of the students of this school since I was a psychologist.

Hades had escaped from the isolation unit and was being hunted down by the security of the school but unfortunately Hades was too good and indirectly as been causing havoc to get the attention off him.

Like he made Monster to start a riot in the cafeteria, Flames burning down the school's agriculture lab behind the building, Pain selling out test questions and answers to students or the fact that they made a teacher to get on his knees on his underwear for simply spilling water on Lust's favorite shirt.

I sighed because this school was only standing cause of it's security but I noticed when it was Monster or Flames alone, they never bothered to touch them. I wouldn't because they were tall and strong. They never even bothered the sins when together then it made me wondered why Hades was a special case.

I had tried to get Ghost to communicate but it was fruitless because either he kept staring into space which I had to snap him out of every hour or he would fall asleep on me without a care.

My luck with Monster and Pain had been terrible when I asked them to talk about each other.

"You want me to put up with that envious snake for the sake of being friends. This should be the funniest joke I've heard since I was born." Monster said as he ate his sandwich.

"Why do you hate Pain so much?" I asked then he laughed in a mocking way.

"I love Pain so much, I can't wait for the day he'll choke on a dick. The bastard is a self centered, rich boy with a habit of wanting what he finds attractive." Monster explained.

I sighed as I remembered what Pain had said about Monster.

"His the violent one yet why does everyone acknowledge him the most! It makes my blood boil." Pain said as he gritted his teeth.

I was heading to my session with Monster since Pain locked his door and told me that he was too busy to have a session with me. I sighed as I entered Monster's room for the first time in our session to be shocked at what he was doing.

He was having sex with a tenth grader in class 1C! They looked at me but Monster just smirked and continued as I slowly closed the door behind me.

"That was awkward." I said to myself as I waited far from his room for him to be done.

I saw the student pass by with a grin on his face as he tried to arrange his disheveled hair and clothes. I sighed before I walked into Monster's room.

"Seems like a regular." I said as I pointed my thumb to the door while still looking at Monster.

"His just one of my steam relief. They're all doing this to get favors from me." Monster said annoyed before he pointed at where I should seat.

I sat down quietly as I brought out my phone and writing material then started our session which had nothing to do with the case but just talking about how to manage his rage.

When we were done, I decided to use this as an opportunity to ask him about a peace treaty with Pain.

"So are you..." I was quickly interrupted by him.

"No." He stated coldly before he took out beer from his fridge.

"Come on Monster, you all are in the same group."

"Doesn't mean we're on the same page." He added before he opened the can and drank. I sighed before I left the room.

Begging was not an option to getting them to be on good terms with each other. I needed to take matters into my own hand and be five foot ahead of them. So I devised a scheming plan.

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