2: Into the Mindscape

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Thor left Loki alone in a room, with little to do except something he wasn't supposed to. Loki meandered a few paces before something in the tower seemed to call him. There was someone powerful in the tower. 

Loki tilted his head. What was that? Greek, perhaps? His curiosity got the better of him, and he simply left Thor's bedchambers. He focused on the hum of magic that called to him, and teleported.

He scanned his new surroundings quickly, his hands clasped behind his back. It must be a midgardian infirmary, he thought, as he took in the rudimentary technology. He took a step before halting in place.

The two forms were radiating power. The closest to him was a boy, or likely a young man. The other was a lady, and they shared the same features. The purpose, power, and royalty just existing with their presence.

Loki, against logic, let his curiosity loose. These were Greeks, he knew for certain, and he shouldn't meddle, but it was as if it was something he must do. A thought crossed Loki's mind: Could this be what the Norns had sent him for?

The prince began to examine the two. He opened his magic to do so, and quickly realized that things were not simple, not in the slightest. This was probably the most complex, powerful magic that he'd ever seen.

He'd seen soul magic done when he was 76 cycles. That had been done with error, the individual in question lived a drastically shortened life in consequence. This- it was, well, he would have difficulty explaining it to any other.

The souls of the two in front of him were mirrored. Twins, he thought for a second, they must be really close. Then Loki realized that this was much more than twins, because the soul they carried was the same.

"Miraculous." Loki murmured, carefully seeing all the edges and torn places of the halved soul.

He'd lost track of time as he was examining the magic.

Doors burst open, and the first thing one angry billionaire saw was a threat standing over his nephew and niece. "You get away from them!" He bellowed to the magician.

"Absolutely miraculous." Loki said again, mesmerized by the magic. Of course, he was not so oblivious as to leave himself unprotected, and he placed a barrier between himself and whoever would threaten him.

"Stark, calm down! He has done no harm!" Thor tried to shove himself between his angry friends and his brother.

"Are you kidding me? Do you not see him?" Tony raged.

"What do you mean, 'miraculous'?" Natasha questioned as she aimed her upgraded pistol at the god.

Loki properly looked at the mortals, having been able to drag his focus away from the two forms. He spoke to the woman among the group. "They are." He gestured lazily with one hand to the two greeks. "Who came first?"

"What do you mean?" Steve scowled.

"Oh, so we're just gonna have a casual conversation, huh?" Tony angrily grumped, and was ignored by the others.

"I suppose that was the wrong question..." Loki said casually. "Let us start with... How long have they been like this?"

"A few hours." Thor replied, and earned himself a shove from Tony.

"Ah. Then who do you know?" Loki inquired.

"The boy, Perseus Jackson." Thor answered, earning him glares from the mortals.

Loki's eyes widened momentarily. "The hero... Why did this happen?"

"What do you mean, 'why?' We just found her next to Perce after he fought some big bad." Clint glared, aiming his own pistol at Loki's head.

We're Not Dead Yet (Split Souls part 2)Where stories live. Discover now