4: Time To Stop Avoiding

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A faint smile made its way onto Loki's lips. "Well, then let me introduce myself. I am Loki of Asgard."

"Katha." She replied, then rolled her tongue around in her mouth. "That's gonna take some getting used to."

Loki chuckled, and looked around.

"So, what now?" Katha asked.

"Now, I have to fix this." Loki gestured to the mess.

"Wait, what?" Katha blinked.

"All of this has to get reassembled before you can wake up. Otherwise the memories will be without order." Loki said.

"Oh. So this is my actual brain?"

"In a sense."

"Does that mean that I potentially made myself go insane?"

"That is correct."


Loki massaged his forehead. 

"So, um, what do I do?" Katha asked.

Loki looked at her for minute, trying to calculate the results of allowing her to assist him. He decided eventually, and they began by righting shelves.

"So, what if you're just joking with me, about the whole soul thing?" Katha huffs as they fix a shelf.

"I swear that I'm not." Loki said.

Katha narrowed her eyes. "Prove it."

"I swear upon the Norns that I am not joking or lying about your current state of existence." Loki said intricately.

"The Norns?" Katha tilted her head a little.

"Like the Fates, just, Asgardian." Loki explained.

"Oh." Katha said, and tripped on her dress, falling to the ground. "Goddammit!" She exclaimed, and wrestled with the fabric, trying to stand up. "Why is there so much?"

Loki watched her struggle for a moment. "You're doing it wrong."

"Doing what wrong?" Katha glared at him.

"The whole, standing 'thing'." Loki commented.

"Like you'd know." Katha glared at the dress.

"Unfortunately, some noble ladies think it's charming when they faint." Loki said, though he wasn't lying, it wasn't the full truth. He then instructed Katha. "Alright, stop trying to stand, you have too much skirt on the ground."

Katha looked at him with an incredulous expression. "How am I going to stand if I stop trying to stand?"

"I wasn't finished. Have patience." Loki chided, and somehow, he managed to get Katha back on her feet.

"Why are dresses like this even... Legal? They're death traps." Katha grumbled under her breath.

"You'll understand eventually." Loki replied.

Katha grumbled unintelligibly. Then she felt like an idiot, and focused on trying to change her clothes. She did change them, but forgot that girls 'needed' extra undergarments. Loki made sure that he was busy somewhere else while she figured out how that worked.

In jeans, tennies, and a t-shirt, she felt much more like herself. Or like Percy? Dam, this was going to get super confusing really fast.

They got back to work, tidying up her mind and hopefully ensuring her sanity. When they would take a minute for a break, Katha would usually end up examining a memory, and misplacing it when she was done. When Loki caught her doing it, he dashed forward and fixed it, before looking to her in exasperation. "You are a menace to yourself, you realize this, right?"

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