Chapter 7: The Return of Agent 4

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Akihiko woke up the next morning. He looked at the clock on his right.

5:16 A.M.

He groaned, got up, and walked towards his sister's room.

"Azura?" Akihiko knocked on Azura's door.

"Come in." Azura sounded normal.

Akihiko came inside Azura's room.

"Azura. Have you ever had the feeling something bad is going to happen to your loved one?" Akihiko asked his sister.

"Akihiko for the last time, James is not going to die!" Azura said.

"But you never know if he could possibly be in danger of dying!" Akihiko looked over at James' unconscious body from Azura's open door.

"Oh my god Aki." Azura rolled her eyes.

"Hey at least I care about James!"

"Hey at least I'm not the one who has an obsession over James!" Azura said.

Akihiko flinched at Azura's temper.

"I'm sorry Aki. Its just you ask me this all the time."

"I'm sorry Azura. I'm just worried if something is going to ha-"

Akihiko's phone went off.

"Excuse me." Akihiko exited the room to answer the call.

"Hello?" Akihiko answered.

"Akihiko. It's Marie."

"What do you want Marie?"

"I need your help! Callie has been squidnapped! I need you to come back to Inkopolis and help me!"

"Why can't you go save her yourself? You're Agent 2 aren't you?"

"Well...Yeah I'm Agent 2, but I retired from doing missions. I need you to come help me."

"Why should I? I already got James unconscious over here."

"Well. If you save Callie for me, I will anything you want me to do."

Akihiko looked at James. "Okay. I'll do it. I'll be over soon."

"Oh my carp! Thank you so much Akihiko! Bring your Agent 4 attitude." Marie ended the call.

"Why did I agree to do this?" Akihiko sighed and went to his bedroom.

He got his phone charger, Agent 4 gear, and his attitude.

"Azura. I'm going to Inkopolis for a couple days. I'll be back soon." Akihiko said.

"Okay. Is it urgent?"


"Okay. Be careful!" Azura went koala mode on Akihiko.

"Don't worry Azura. I'll be okay." Akihiko smiled and hugged his sister back.

"Text me when you get there."

"Okay. I will." Akihiko got his bags.

Akihiko was in his level 1 gear. He didn't want people to recognize him very easily.

"I'm going Azura. See ya!" Akihiko walked out the door with his bags.


"Agent 4." Marie turned around and saw Akihiko standing there with bags.

"Looks like you've came. Come with me." Marie signalled Akihiko to come.

Akihiko dropped his bags and followed her.

BOOK 2: Agent Lovers (A Splatoon Agent 3 x Agent 4 Yaoi?)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu