Chapter 23:

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"Akihiko. You seem to be pregnant, but according to the pregnancy tests you took, the babies are starting to form. That is the reason why the tests said you weren't pregnant. But the babies are guaranteed going to be out today." The doctor explained.

Akihiko was in hospital clothes and on the bed. Misaki kneeling beside him to comfort him.

"Oh. It's forming. That's all." Akihiko said. "Thank you." Akihiko looked at the doctor. The doctor nodded and left.

"What are we going to name the babies?" Misaki asked his husband.

"I was thinking Dimitri. Dimitri Alexandre Stowell. And Caspar von Stowell." Akihiko said.

"Sounds lovely. I like it." Misaki smiled.

"Thank you." Akihiko smiled. He decided to name one of them Dimitri because... Well you know. Akihiko couldn't stop saying the name. Dimitri.

"Hey." Someone walked in. She had brown tentacles turning black at the tips. She had slight dark skin on her body. Green eyes and an easy smirk.

"Wh-Who are you?" Akihiko stuttered.

"Call me Judith." The squid said.

"What are you doing here?" Akihiko asked.

"Oh. Claude von Riegan was just born right now, so I'm here to assist my mother with my new baby bro. And I heard squids named Caspar and Dimitri are being born right now?" Judith smiled.

"Maybe." Akihiko said.

"I'm so happy for you!" Judith smiled. "I must be going. See ya!" Judith walked away from the two and exited the room.

Misaki looked at Akihiko's stomach. Misaki couldn't believe he was going to be a father. He has always wanted a child to love and protect. He smiled and grabbed Akihiko's bicep.

Akihiko looked at Misaki to see him smiling. "What do you think Misaki?" Akihiko asked.

"I'm... I'm happy. I can't wait to be a father of two. But please take your time Aki." Misaki said.

"I'll get them out as soon as possible. Welcome to the real world Caspar and Dimitri." Akihiko whispered to his children. Akihiko wanted to be a mother-father as well. But he didn't expect to get pregnant. He thought being trans meant you just had a woman part, and that's it. Boom. Done. Nothing else. But no. He had the ability to get pregnant as well. Sounds stupid, but true.

"Misaki Stowell?" The doctor came back with a towel. Misaki looked back to the doctor.

"Yes?" He asked still holding his husband's hands.

"You are the father correct?"


"Ok. I need you to step outside for a minute while I have Akihiko take some medicines." The doctor got a bottle of medicine out for Akihiko.

Misaki nodded and smiled at Akihiko. Akihiko smiled back as Misaki let go of his hand and walked out the door, and standing next to it, waiting.

Misaki looked across the hall to see a yellow newborn squid. He looked like he had a nice tan. He had short, curly, brown tentacles turning yellow at the tips. He noticed a few tentacles tangled at the side of his face. He looked similar to Judith. And that little creature must be Claude von Riegan because Judith was currently in the room holding him.

He was certainly a crier though. Oh boi. Misaki cringed at the sound. So loud like a scream. A girl's scream. Misaki attempted to deal with the scream and succeeded.

Misaki then heard Akihiko yell Misaki's name.

"Misaki! Come quick!" Akihiko yelled.

Misaki ran back inside to see his husband panting and yelling.

BOOK 2: Agent Lovers (A Splatoon Agent 3 x Agent 4 Yaoi?)Where stories live. Discover now