Chapter 11: Hachi's Challenge Part 1

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"Can you help me train? I haven't been doing battle in a while."

"Yeah come on. Lets go to the lobby." Akihiko suggested.

"Wait. I don't have my slosher with me." James said.

"Oh no you don't. You're not getting that slosher."

"Ow!" James felt his tentacles being dragged by Akihiko. He continued to drag James to Sheldon's.

"Hello hello! What are you in the market for?" Sheldon said.

"We are here for a shooter weapon for this guy." Akihiko said to Sheldon and pointed at James.

"Oh really? Well, I have the most finest shooters around, take a look!" Sheldon pointed to the shooter shelf.

"Um..What shooter weapon do you recommend best for a slosher main who is going to get used to a shooter?"

"My best recommended weapon?" Sheldon smiled.

"I recommend this. The Neo Splat-O-Matic." Sheldon gave James the Neo Splat-O-Matic.

"Give it a whirl?" Sheldon asked.

"Yes." Both James and Akihiko answered.

They were both taken to the practice area.

"Ok James. The shooter is the most simple weapon in all of the weapon." Akihiko started.

"And first of all, you're holding the weapon wrong." Akihiko pointed to James' right hand.

"I am?" James looked at his hand. He was holding it like he was giving it to someone.

"Here." Akihiko took the weapon and placed it correctly in James' hand.

"This here is the handle. Ok? Ok. So if you want to shoot the weapon, hold your comfy hand by the handle, but let your index finger hold the trigger. Like this." Akihiko demonstarted.

James listened and slowly nodded.

"Ok. If you want to aim at your target more precisely, hold your other hand's palm in front of the trigger. Then to shoot ink, press your finger against the trigger to unleash your power." Akihiko pulled the trigger and a rapid shots of cyan ink came out of the gun.

"Oh! I remember now, its been so long since i last used a shooter. I'm so used of the slosher I forgot how to even hold a shooter. Heh." James rubbed the back of his neck.

"Is that so? Let me see!" Akihiko smiled as he gave the gun to James to test.

James took the gun aimed it forward and shot.

"Hmm...You look like you had some experience with this." Akihiko smiled.

"I did! It had to take me a little to remember." James smiled.

"I find that suspicious but okay." Akihiko rose an inkbrow.

"James. The real question..." Akihiko started.

James looked dead in his eyes.

"Are you ready to take on Hachi?" Akihiko asked placing his hands on James' shoulders.

"Yes. I know I am." James smirked.

"Well, we have to return to Deepsea Matro. It's almost 8:00."

"Okay." James closed his eyes.

"Good luck." Akihiko gave James a kiss on the cheek. James blushed.

"Thank you. I will do this for you." James stroked Akihiko's tentacle hanging down the side of his face.

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