Chapter 28: Vs. Black Eagles

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"I believe we have a battle today Cyan Warriors." Edelgard said with her Gold Dynamo Roller on her shoulder.

"Yes. I remember. Shall we then?" Akihiko picked up his Gold Dynamo Roller.

"Same weapon I see. Good luck. You need it." Edelgard smirked.

"I'll go get the team." Akihiko walked off to find Julia, Misaki, and Azura.

"Come on Edelgard! You just wait until you find out who my mom and dad really are."

"Hmph. How bold of you to think your mother and father are the greatest. We'll see if we can defeat them in battle." Hubert said.

"Yeah whatever. Says the guy who likes Ferdinand from Orange Glory."

"I suggest you shut your mouth before I rip it off." Hubert didn't change emotion.

"Dimitri. I heard you won the battle against the Cyan Warriors yesterday. If you can beat them, so can I. And I also heard about what you and Claude did yesterday." Edelgard saw Dimitri and Claude talking to each other and smirked.

"Did everyone get enough training?" Edelgard turned back to her team. Everyone nodded.

"Of course we did Edie! We will beat them. If Dimi can beat them, so can we!" Dorothea chipped.

"Well said Dorothea. Caspar? How do you feel about going against your parents?"

"Nervous considering who they actually are." Caspar said with a frown.

"Caspar. You lack confidence. Even if they really are strong, we will be stronger." Edelgard said.

"I heard almost everyone will be watching this battle." Hubert smirked. He also hoped one specific person was going to be there.

"Yes. This battle will show them that we are a strong team and can defeat anyone."

Caspar looked at the ground. He didn't really wanna battle his parents for the sake of Inkopolis, but if he has to, he has to.

"Ready Black Eagles?" Akihiko asked.

"What about Shigure? Isn't he on your team as well?" Edelgard asked.

"He will sit out of this one, due to an injury this morning." Akihiko said.

"And this girl is your replacement?" Edelgard asked.

"Yes. Julia wanted to be his replacement."

"I see. Good luck out there. It is about time to begin." Edelgard smiled as the two teams exited the apartment along with Justyne and Shigure making their way to the destination: Camp Triggerfish.


"I heard Misaki's husband is using a Gold Dynamo Roller this battle. Maybe I could learn from him." Rider said, interested to see what Akihiko can do with his favorite roller.

"He's pretty strong in battle Rider!" Goggles sat next to him and smiled.

"Hm... This battle is more popular than I thought." Lorenz said to himself.

"Well of course it is. This battle is literally gonna be the biggest battle. The undefeated Black Eagles against the legendary Cyan Warriors! I bet on the Cyan Warriors." Hilda stretched her arms and fixed her tentacles.

"I've got money on the Cyan Warriors too. What do you think Dima?"

"Cyan Warriors will win. I know it. Knowing who they actually are, Edelgard doesn't stand a chance against them." Dimitri said.

"I personally think if Ferdinand was with the Black Eagles, the Black Eagles would win for sure. But since they decided to ruin the perfect opportunity to have greatness on their team, they will fail." Lorenz explained like he is in love with Ferdinand, which he surprisingly wasn't and isn't.

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