Chapter 19: It's Time Misaki

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Akihiko sat on his knees and held his head in his hands. He was worried of course. He didn't know how Misaki would react to this.

"Oh no..what will await me?" Akihiko sat there very worried. "Well, time to see what Misaki does or says." Akihiko sighed and went to the manhole, back to Inkopolis.


"Rider, can you keep this for a sec?" Misaki said to Rider and handed him a small white box.

Rider eyed the box and went wide eyed. "You're taking it to the next level."

"Yes. I feel Akihiko and I are ready for it." Misaki said.

"Okay." Rider took the box and put it in his pocket.

"Thank you so much. I don't know what I would do without you." Misaki said to Rider.

"Hey, I'm always here for my friends." Rider smiled.

"Ridey!" Hachi came running towards them.

"Not you again!" Rider yelled. Misaki went in front of Rider to confront Hachi.

"Look Misaki. I know what you're gonna say. Well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything. I had a contract with DJ Octavio, to kill you." Hachi looked to his side.

"I didn't want to kill you so I had your parents to do it for me." Hachi started crying.

"Hachi, why didn't you just tell me and Akihiko that you formed a contract with DJ Octavio? If you told us, we would've killed Octavio for you." Misaki said putting his hands on Hachi's shoulders.

"He said to keep it a secret or else he would blend me, like what was about to happen, until you saved my life." Hachi couldn't stop crying.

Misaki pulled Hachi in for a hug. "It's okay Hachi." Misaki whispered.

"No. It's not! If I didn't form this stupid contract, then your parents would still be alive! It's all my fault!" Hachi yelled.

"It is Hachi, if you didn't form this contract then how would I ever meet or see my brother Shigure? And for Akihiko, he met his sister Azura." Misaki smiled.

"You...thank me for this?" Hachi looked up at Misaki.

Misaki smiled kindly at Hachi. "We deal with this kind of stuff in the New Squibeak Splatoon." Misaki said.

"Oh..I thought this was worse.." Hachi now looked confused.

"Don't cry Hachi, it'll be okay." Misaki pulled Hachi into another hug.

"Thank you.." Hachi smiled softly.

"Does this mean that you will stop tormenting me?" Rider said.

"Yes. Can we be friends at least?" Hachi asked Rider.

"Of course Trevino." Rider smirked.

Hachi smiled and hugged Rider. Rider widened his eyes, but smiled. He liked Hachi, but only as a friend.

"O-Okay! Don't do that!" Rider said playfully.

Hachi let him go and smiled cheerfully. Misaki chuckled.

"Rider, you still have that box?" Misaki asked Rider.

Rider pulled out the box. Misaki nodded.

"We good?" Hachi asked Misaki.

"Yeah." Misaki gave Hachi a thumbs up.

"Misaki." Akihiko said. Misaki looked behind him to see a worried Akihiko.

"Aki? Why do look so worried?" Misaki frowned and carressed Akihiko's face.

"I found out the truth."

"The truth?" Misaki said.

"I'm pregnant. And the baby is yours." Akihiko looked to the side embarrassed and scared.

Misaki went wide eyed, and so did Rider and Hachi. He put his palm to Akihiko's cheek and made Akihiko look at him.

"Aki. I'm proud of us." Misaki smiled.

"You're not mad?" Akihiko was confused.

"Not at all. You won't believe this, but. I've always wanted a child with you." Misaki hugged Akihiko.

Akihiko was shocked. He didn't know what to say. He was just...shocked. Misaki pulled away from the speechless Akihiko.

"Should we tell Mika, Loki, and Kozu?" Akihiko asked. Misaki held Akihiko's feminine shoulders.

"We should. I'm sure they'll support us." Misaki smiled.

"Akihiko?" Someone said. Akihiko turned around to see Azura standing there with a smile.

"Azura! I'm terribly sorry for what I've done." Akihiko looked sadly in Azura's eyes.

"I already know that you're pregnant. And I'm more than proud to be an aunt." Azura smiled.

"Thank you sister." Akihiko ran and hugged his sister. Azura hugged back and still smiled.

People in Inkopolis watched especially Rider.

"Hey!" Rider approached Akihiko and Misaki with a smirk on his face.

Misaki smiled knowing what Rider has for him. Rider whispered in Misaki's ear.

"It's time Misaki."

Rider slipped the tiny box in Misaki's hand and Misaki put the box in his pocket before Akihiko could notice.

"Akihiko. Come with me." Misaki put Akihiko's hand in his.

"What? Where are we going?" Akihiko asked as everyone in Inkopolis followed them.

"You'll see Akihiko." Misaki smiled as he lead Akihiko to their destination.

Everyone arrived in Inkblot Art Academy once again. Akihiko had a good feeling about this.

"Remember this Aki?" Misaki still held Akihikos hand in his.

"Where we first met each other." Akihiko examined the place.

"No..This is just the place, but the exact spot?" Misaki lead Akihiko to the spot where they first locked eyes.

"This is so romantic!" Goggles cheered.

"Hmph." Rider chuckled and smirked.

"Eeek! Jamaki!" Marie said. Callie was also there. Marie happened to save Callie with her special low tide ink stuff. DJ Octavio was gone thanks to Agent 4.

"Wait how did you-" Akihiko started, but Callie interrupted him.

"This one saved me." Callie pointed to her cousin Marie. Marie smiled.

"You're welcome." Marie said.

Akihiko rolled his eyes and walked with Misaki.

"Remember this corner?" Misaki smiled.

"This was where I was about to get splatted by a girl which I forgot her name, and then you reached for my hand. Those eyes I saw back then, were comfort. Comforting, loving, and caring eyes have met mine. I couldn't have been happier at this moment." Akihiko smiled.

"Well Akihiko we are here for a reason. Akihiko, ever since we started dating, we have formed a bond stronger than steel. Nothing can do us part. I'm telling you the honest truth Aki. I feel like the luckiest man alive. The chapters in our biographies, they have new chapters awaiting." Misaki scooted closer.

"Misaki. I.." Akihiko started.

"But my point. This whole time. Is.." Misaki got out the box Rider handed him.

Misaki got down on one knee.

Akihiko watched as Misaki did this. Akihiko went wide eyed. Misaki opened the white box and looked up at Akihiko. Akihiko covered his mouth with his hands.

"Akihiko Harita. Will you marry me?"

Yay! I don't have depression anymore! Thanks to the power of yaoi and my ships. <3

BOOK 2: Agent Lovers (A Splatoon Agent 3 x Agent 4 Yaoi?)Where stories live. Discover now