Chapter 24: It's Over

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"GAH!" Akihiko shot up from the bed. Eyes open wide and panting fast. He looked around. He saw faces staring at him. They all seemed happy and relieved.

"Mom!" A young squid with red spiky tentacles hugged Akihiko.

"Caspar?" Akihiko asked.

"Aki darling." Misaki appeared at his side. Misaki reached down, grabbed his hand, and kissed it.

"Mother!" A teenage male with white tentacles turning blue at the tips grabbed Akihiko's hands.

"Dimitri!" Akihiko said. "I..." Akihiko looked around. The same exact faces were here, even his father and mother were here as well.

"Akihiko, our son." An old man appeared by Akihiko's side beside Misaki.

"F-Father?! But you're dead!!" Akihiko shivered in fear.

"Akihiko. Sweetheart you have nothing to fear. It was all a dream."

A dream?! But it all felt so real! How could a something like that be a dream?!

"A dream?! But I know that you both hated me for my gender." Akihiko asked confused.

"No. We never hated you. We loved you with all our heart. We were happy that you were a special boy. Just because you have a woman's thing, doesn't mean that we don't love you. Your dream was telling you that you hated us. But we love you Akihiko." The old woman who was Akihiko's mother said.

"I..." Akihiko looked around and saw Azura smiling at him.

"Brother. You're awake!" Azura jumped around happily.

"I... Don't understand."

"Akihiko. Please. Everything is all right." Akihiko's father said.

"Ok." Akihiko took a deep breath and smiled.

"That's our boy." Ryan Harita smiled.

"Mother. Can you get up?" Dimitri asked grabbing Akihiko's hand.

Akihiko lifted the blanket off of him and attempted to stand, but nearly fell.

"Careful Mother." Dimitri saved Akihiko from falling on his face.

Akihiko smiled and noticed a man with curly brown tentacles with yellow tips. He had a tan on his body, green grass eyes, and an easy smirk.

"Who are you?" Akihiko pointed to the man.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce you to him! This is my boyfriend Claude von Riegan." Dimitri smiled and kissed Claude's cheek.

"Wait a minute. I think I recognized you in my dream. I remember you having a sister named Judith von Riegan who was at a hospital when you were born." Akihiko said.

"Wow. That is actually true." Claude said surprised.

"Hey mom! What was I doing in your dream?" Caspar asked.

"I don't know. I died when you two were born. And Dimitri was almost dead, but I surrendered my life so his can begin." Akihiko said.

"Wow." Dimitri said.

"What a dream you had." Caspar said.

"Ah well. You know sometimes dreams are like deja vu." Claude shrugged.

"Oh mom! Did I show you my team?" Caspar asked.

Akihiko shook his head.

"How about we go to the square to meet them? Do you need help Mother?" Dimitri asked.

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