Chapter 9: Chat with Shigure

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Akihiko woke up the next morning feeling warm. He turned around to see a naked James behind him.

'Why is James naked?' Akihiko thought. He forgot everything that happened last night. He removed the covers to see himself naked too.

'GAH!! DON'T TELL ME!' Akihiko went wide eyed. 'What if Shigure finds out about this? What if AZURA found out about this? Oh no.'

Akihiko checked the room for his phone. He found his phone in the tights he wore.

10 unread messages

"Oh boy let's see what they are up to." Akihiko muttered. He decided to glance at a few of the messages.

Hachi: I need to see you in person for a second. I need to talk to you about something.

Marie: Akihiko Harita. U need to come back to Cuttlefish Cabin very very very soon. K?

Sis: Akihiko where r U?! U haven't been home for a couple of days. Plz answer mee.

ShigureStowell: Hey. I asked James for ur #. I want 2 talk 2 u in person sometime. You can usually find me in the plaza at the tables by the food truck. See me soon.

Akihiko read Shigure's message and got a little confused.

'Why does he want to talk to me?' Akihiko thought as he decided to talk to Shigure then Hachi.

Akihiko searched the room for his clothes from last night, but didn't find them anywhere.

Akihiko sighed, meaning he had to wear James' clothes which were twice the size of him.

Akihiko went through his dressers to find clothes that were closest to his size.


Akihiko found the clothes and put them on.

He walked out of the apartment to find Shigure.

Akihiko looked around. Strange faces stared at him as he walked towards the truck.

He found Shigure reading a really dusty old book that looked like it was written thousands of years ago. He was also having a drink of Special-Up Smoothie.

"Hey Shigure." Akihiko sat down next to Shigure.

"Who are you?" Shigure asked confused.

"It's me Aki. You wanted to talk to me?"

"Oh yeah! Okay so. What I need to talk to you about is about James." Shigure closed his book, turned it over to the back so that Akihiko couldn't read it, and looked at him.

"What about him?" Akihiko sighed sarcastically. Everyone he has to talk to is about his lover Agent 3.

"You know how he's been injured and all that for the past couple days?"


"Well. James actually is hiding something from you. There is something about our families that is different about everyone else."

"What is it?"

"James and I have a special type of thing."

"What do you mean?"

"Akihiko...Follow me." Shigure lead Akihiko to an alleyway where no one could see them.

"Shigure. What's going on?" Akihiko felt something in his gut something was gonna happen.

"Do you remember this? 5 years ago?" Shigure pulled out a ring.

This struck Akihiko's mind with memories.

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