Smarty Pants to the Rescue. Cure Cinccino Jumps in!

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The trio were walking to school a few weeks later. Purple sighed.

"I'm going to die!" Pink swiped her foot at his. He landed on his bottom. "What?" Pink giggled.

"You can die later. Come on, let's..." She trailed off. Shauna followed her gaze and sighed.

"I am going to kill someone. Can they not figure it out?" Purple stood up and followed their gaze. He giggled.

"I got this." The two girls were confused. Purple walked over to the two boys who were whispering about something important. Purple leaned into the conversation. With a few words, the three split. The girls blinked. Purple smiled. "There! All done."

"What did you say?" Purple was about to answer when a voice stopped him.

"He's not going to say anything. He's just going to lie." Purple growled as he turned around to the owner of the voice.

"Can you not? I get it, you're the smartest kid in the school. Doesn't mean that you have to throw everyone under the bus." The voice giggled. The two girls looked past Purple to see who was talking. Shauna's eyes widened.

"Now Purple, you know that you shouldn't say that about people

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"Now Purple, you know that you shouldn't say that about people. No matter who the person is." The girl smiled softly. Pink opened her mouth to say something, but simply closed it. Shauna blinked.

"Bianca..." The girl, Bianca, turned to the direction of the school.

"Don't want to be late." She smiled and went off. The trio continued to head for school. Shauna thought about what happened.

Bianca was, like Purple had stated, the smartest kid in the school. Friends with everyone. She knew enough to the point where she saved the school from being destroyed. She only had one competitor, but no one knew who it was. Her family, the Hidorents, were incredibly successful in their businesses and publicity. Super smart and incredibly talented. And she got to talk to one.

But little did Bianca know she was being watched...

After school...

Bianca and Pink were walking home together. They were working on a project due in a week and they were heading for the Midori home. It was quiet between them. They arrive in minutes. Purple had gotten home first. The two girls walked in and Pink yelled out.

"Purple! Mom! Dad! I'm home! I have someone over to work on a project! So don't disturb us!" There was a mumble from the couch.

"Then can you keep it down?" Purple whispered. "You know I'm not feeling well." Pink winced.

"Sorry about that, Purple." She whispered quietly. "I forgot." Purple simply nodded and pulled his blanket over his head. The two girls slipped into Pink's room. Bianca frowned.

"It's small... isn't your family famous?" Pink sighed.

"Famous, yes. Rich, not so much." Bianca shrugged and they started getting set up. Suddenly there was a shout from downstairs.

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