The enemy reveals? We were caught? Z.........

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The cures were running right into a fight. It was the biggest challenge they've had. There were all of the pokemon types. But that didn't stop them.

"Guys! Let's try and purify the people controlling the monster as well!" The cures smiled at the idea.

"Rainbow of the Heavens, gather around and guide us to victory!"

The Sword of Heaven appeared above them. Champion grabbed it and nodded.

"Precure! Rainbow Hurricane!"

A huge gust of wind raced at the monsters and people. A soft glow covered the entire field. An item appeared from the lights.


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"Wow..." The cures deformed.

"Pathetic." The group looked up at the voice.


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"Who..." The lady smiled mysteriously.

"My name is Leader. And I am the ruler of the Forbidden Army." The poke-cures went behind the cures. "We will meet again soon." She then vanished. The cures looked at each other before going home.


Shauna stepped into the base with an unsettling feeling.

"Guy-" She was cut off by Max running over to her. His face said it all. "No..." She ran after him. Inside the common room was all of their parents. Her eyes widened. Why were they here? "Mom? Dad?" Pink and Purple's mom looked panicked. If she didn't tell them, then who? Her mom stood up and went over to her.

"Let's go!" She locked eyes with Purple before being pulled out. They must have been waiting for her, because the others were also pulled out. As they were walking into the living room, her mom grabbed her pokeball that contained Sylvie. Her eyes widened.

"Give that back!" She tried to grab it. Her mom pulled it out of her reach.

"You shouldn't be doing dangerous things like fighting villains!" She blinked.

"I don't know what you're talking-" Her mother held up a tape.

"Your friend Z was so kind to give us a tape of you fighting those monsters." Shauna's eyes stayed on the pokeball. Her mom frowned. "I will not let my daughter be hurt by something she can't fight. The other parents are doing the same."

"Even Mrs. Midori?" Shauna whispered, lowering her head.

"Yes. Even Mrs. Midori." Her mother put the pokeball on the ground. "From now on, you will not be with those horrible people that are making you fight!" She raised her foot and slammed it on the pokeball.

"NO!" Tears ran down Shauna's cheek as her mother's foot raced down at the pokeball. (P.S. this is happening to all of the cures...) A sharp glow came out from the ball, causing her mom to back away. The glow went onto Shauna's shoulder and Sylvie appeared.

"What?" Sylvie smiled at Shauna.

"Unlike you, mom, I have friends who care. Mrs. Midori supports the precures! If you want to stay on my good side, I would stay back." She ran outside. The other cures were already fighting Leader. Holding Sylvie up high, she glanced back at her family with a smile.

A bright light surrounded her. Inside the light was a pink background. Sylvie appeared next to her. Shauna clapped her hands and feet together, which made armbands and shoes appear. She did a quick spin to make the rest of her outfit. Her hair grew out and changed colors. Ears and a tail appeared on their own. Wings appeared on her back and ribbons surrounded her. A pink knitting needle popped up. She grabbed it and twirled it before landing on the ground.

"Fairy of the Ribbon! Cure Sylveon!"
She raced into the fight. The other cures were being slaughtered by Leader.


A pillar of light struck Leader.


"Off of my friends!"

"Your friends are no more. You're all alone." Sylveon cackled.

"I'm never alone! My friends could be nothing and it wouldn't matter. My family has taught me that even the smallest things can make a person smile. So if someone simply greets the loneliest person in the world and they smile back, they have done a good deed. 'A smile can touch everyone's heart despite its size.' You just have to try. You just have to believe. You just have to smile." She said with a smile. Leader paused.

"I-" Sylveon glowed a soft pink. "I WILL NOT LET YOU WIN!" She hissed as she sent a large beam at Sylveon.

"Sylveon!" The world seemed to cry out. The glow surrounded her, making a barrier. Sylveon took the chance to charge her attack. She remembered the first time she used it. She remembered being the one that got the finishing blow. The sword from the previous fight appeared in front of her. Her knitting needle floated up and spun behind her. She grabbed the sword and looked at Leader. She was glowing a dark aura. Sylveon smiled as she drew the heart and two crescents. She closed her eyes, memories flew past, charging the attack. She lifted the sword into the air. She opened her eyes and shouted with everything she had.


The energy filled the air, calming any aggressive behavior. She smiled softly.


Pink sparkles raced at Leader, and a bright glow covered the city.

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