Blake's abused? Dewott and Noivern's Attack!

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"What the..."

Blake had arrived at the Midori home just in time to see a fight between Purple and Jearn. Purple was pale and against a wall. Jearn was holding a knife. Jearn blinked.

"And you are?" Anger flared deep down within Blake.

"What did you do?" He was staring at Purple, who was murmuring under his breath. Jearn grimaced.

"I only knocked him out... I-" Blake's finger started twitching. He ran over to Purple and checked his pulse.

"Why..." He trailed off as he felt his own heart soften. Jearn put the knife away and ran over, catching him before he hit the ground. Purple opened his eyes and stiffened.

"Blake..." He trailed off instantly. Jearn frowned as Purple passed out again.

"Damn it..."


Purple woke up in a dark room and panicked.

"Ah... you're awake... good..." Purple glanced at the side as Jearn stepped out of the shadows. He calmed down.

"Jearn... what happened? Where am I?" He realized something. "Where's Blake?" He tried to get up, but Jearn held him down.

"You're at my place. I accidentally blamed you for my daughter's disappearance, and so I attacked you. My bad..." He paused as he looked away. Purple frowned.

"Where's Blake?" Jearn glanced at him.

"In another room. He's ok... just not awake." Purple glazed off.

"Oh..." He sat up slowly. "Do you know what happened to him?" Jearn shook his head.

"All I know is that he walked in on our fight, went to see if you were ok, and then collapsed." Purple's eyes widened.

"Can I see him?" Jearn nodded and helped him off the bed. They went into the room Blake was in. Purple sat down at the edge of the bed. "Blake?" The brunette's right eye opened slightly.

"Purple?" He whispered quietly. "What... how..." Purple smiled softly at him.

"I'm ok. How are you feeling?" Blake opened his mouth to say something, but then he fell asleep. Purple bit his lip. Blake had a reason for visiting him. Everyone has to have one. Pink didn't always need one, but Purple made it necessary. He lightly felt Blake's pulse. His eyes widened as he lightly shook Blake awake.

"Hm?" Blake opened his eyes to see a now worried Purple. "What's wrong, Purple?" He murmured.

"Did something happen?" Blake looked at him, confused. "You came to me for a reason. What was it?" Blake paused.

"I... I..." He gulped. "Was attac...ked..." Purple glanced at Jearn, who probably had his dad senses on. Purple looked back at Blake, who was staring off. Purple lightly snapped in Blake's ear.

"By who?" Tears appeared in the brunette's eyes.

"My... my..." He gulped as he quivered. "My... d-dad..." Purple's eyes widened.

"Why?" Jearn walked over and placed a calm hand on Blake's shoulder. Despite the calmness, Blake froze. Purple bit his lip again. "Do you know where your dad could be?"

"1783 Midnight Rd..." Blake immediately said. Purple nodded.

"I'll be back, ok?" Blake simply stared at him. Purple nodded to Jearn and the two boys ran off.


They arrived at the house when they heard yelling.

"Britney ple-"

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