Children's Guard? Cure Aurorus Takes the Stage!

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One bright morning, Shauna and Bianca were walking to school. It was very quiet as they arrived at the school grounds. Shauna looked around.

"Where is everyone? School starts in half an hour." Bianca looked over at the side and tapped Shauna's shoulder. She turned and saw Pink, Purple, and Z waving at them. She waved back and the whole group went inside.

At lunch...

Shauna sat down with her friends. The lunchroom was louder than usual.

"Why is it so loud?" Pink grumbled. She had her head down.

"Are you ok, Pink?" Shauna asked. Pink glanced up at her. Her cheeks were red.

"I'm not feeling well. My head's been throbbing all day." She then put her head down again. There was a crash from across the room. Purple snarled a bit.

"Ok, out of the way, trans-psychopath." The big bully of the school yelled. There was a chuckle. The group looked at the fight.

 The group looked at the fight

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"How about

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"How about... no." The person grinned. "Besides, Kevin... you're trying this one alone. Don't get cocky." Kevin chuckled.

"You're the cocky one." He then threw a punch, in which the person slammed into the table. Kevin winced. The person put something in front of his face.

"Kevin, do remember that I'm in the Children's Guard. I, Mac, will be back." Mac then walked away. A loud applause erupted from the crowd as Kevin stormed away. Mac walked over to their table. "Can I sit here?" Shauna's heart fluttered.

Mac was part of the Saxe family, who was full of superheroes. Mac was the only transgendered person in the school, but that didn't stop them from getting into the top of some of the lists in the school. Shauna gulped.

"Of course." Mac smiled and sat down with their stuff. Purple grimaced.

"I could've helped." He mumbled. Mac chuckled.

"If it was more than just Kevin then maybe." Purple smirked.

"Whatever." Shauna blinked before asking.

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