Another possible cure? New kid in school!

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The two cures smiled as Icelit disappeared, vowing to return. They deformed and walked to school.

"Too easy. We'll make the bell for sure!" Blake giggled.

"Guess what?"


"Race you."

At school...

"Alright class, settle down. We have a new student. Come on in." A small boy came in.

"Why don't you introduce yourself?" The boy hesitated

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"Why don't you introduce yourself?" The boy hesitated. He held up a sign that read, 'My name is Max.'

"Hi Max!" A kid in the front row smiled. Max smiled faintly back.

At lunch...

*Tap tap tap*


Blake turned to see Max standing there. He was holding a sign.

'Can I sit here?' Blake smiled.

"Of course! I'm waiting for a friend. I'm sure he won't mind." Max smiled and sat down. Purple joined them.

"Hey Max?" Max glanced at him. "Why don't you talk?" Max wrote something on a piece of paper.

'I'm mute. There's more to it. I'm partial deaf, light-sensitive, and color-blind.'


After school...

Purple was sitting at home when the ground started shaking. He ran out and Blake was jumping away from the monster.

"Blake!" Purple cried out. Blake nodded and pulled out his poke-wand with Purple.

A bright light surrounded the two boys. Inside the light was a silver, green, and blue background. Noivila appeared between them. Smoke covered Purple's body and his outfit appeared. Water did the same for Blake. The boys ran a hand through their hair, which changed it. The half-staff and quiver appeared in front of them. Their poke-wands were put into sheaths on their backs. They grabbed their respective items and landed.

"River of the Shallow Mind! Cure Dewott!"

"Speed of Chance! Cure Noivern!"

"Here and now! Pokemon Precure Duet!"
"Ngh... precure... Flyer! Get them!" The cures jumped out of the way.

"Wow... ok then..." Noivern whispered as he was slammed into a wall.

"Noivern!" Dewott panicked.

"Ow... I..." He kept fading out. Dewott was smashed into the ground. Noivern froze. "D-dewott?" He heard a voice cry out.

"Leave. Them. ALONE!" The breeze disappeared.


The monster disintegrated into thin air. The person disappeared. Noivern blinked as something floated in front of him.

"Are you ok?" It whispered

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"Are you ok?" It whispered. He smiled as he deformed.

"Yes... Thank you." It smiled. He panicked. "Blake!" He ran over to him. Blake had deformed as well. Purple shook him. "Blake! Wake up!"

"Ow... you're noisy..." Purple's eyes widened.

"Blake..." Blake sat up. "How are you feeling?"

"Better..." He glanced at the creature. "Who..." It smiled.

"My name is Mimkyu, a new poke-cure." Noivila poked out of Blake's bag.

"Mimkyu? Where have you been? And what do you mean, new poke-cure?" Mimkyu smiled.

"You couldn't make it to the ceremony. I was the only one that got my title. Then the attack..." Noivila smiled.

"Well at least I'm not the only one!" Purple smiled. He turned to Blake.

"Do you want to sleep at my place for the night?" Blake simply nodded. Purple helped him to his feet. "Well then... that means we have to find your cure, huh Mimkyu?" It nodded.

"Let's go!"

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