Chapter 1

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Minnie Shay had just moved to New York with her best friend, Jennifer. The two girls were on their way to Starbucks this morning before heading to work.

Minnie was working for a huge fashion company and would get to dress clients. She was kind of excited about that, to tell the truth.

"So think you'll find a husband now that we are in a city full of new men?" Jennifer wanted to know as the girls were walking. They had to be mindful of the traffic when they were going to cross the streets here.

"A husband! I'll settle for a boyfriend at this point," Minnie laughed. Her last relationship had been a nightmare and she was glad to be away from the guy now. The two women finally arrived at a Starbucks and walked in to get in line, they didn't notice they were standing behind a gentleman as they were talking to each other.

"What kind of boyfriend are you looking for?" Jennifer asked curiously.

"He has to be 5'10'', Dark Brown Hair, Blue Eyes," Minnie said not aware of who she was exactly describing.

"5'10'' are you trying to find an excuse to wear your heels all the time not that you don't." Jennifer laughed. The line moved forward and the man in front of them was ordering and when he turned around, his Blue eyes met Minnie's brown ones. He was probably about 5'10" and had dark brown hair too. He just smiled and moved over to wait for his drink to be made.

"Well... go on..."Jeny said nudging Minnie.

Minnie shook her head furiously,"No," she whispered," Besides we need to order."She turned to the cashier and ordered her drink. As soon as she was done ordering, she was going to go find a different spot but Jennifer literally shoved her towards Mr. Blue Eyes and she was pretty much stumbling. He turned in time to catch her arms.

" Uh so I should be used to women falling in my lap but someone they are never as beautiful as you," He said to her.

Minnie's cheeks turned red," Remind me to kill her," she whispered.

" Your friend?' he asked with a chuckle.

" Roommate," she said.

" I'm Joe," he said to her.

" And here I liked Blue Eyes better," she said with a small smile.

" I won't argue with that nickname," he told her," What's your name?"

" I'm Minnie," she said to him.

"Minnie... like-" he began.

"Don't say it!" she laughed.

"Awe come. Don't you want to be a cute little mouse?" he asked her.

" I'm going to start calling you Joey like a baby kangaroo," she warned him.

He laughed," I honestly hate that they are spelled the same and pronounced the same. That's why I prefer Joe," he told her.

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