Chapter 9

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Donnie took Gavin to Lydia's house, and she pulled the front door open startled to see Donnie and Gavin. 

" Mommy you forgot me," Gavin told her. 

" What? No Mommy had to take Stasia to the dentist, Cade came too. Daddy was supposed to get you," Lydia insisted. 

" Well he didn't either," Gavin said upset. 

" Oh my god I am going to kill Joe!" Lydia said angrily. 

Donnie looked at her," Joe was working today Lydia. I'm pretty sure he told you that," he said to her. 

" I don't care if he has to fly to the damn moon for work, when it comes to his kids he needs to start being a parent more! and less of a Playboy!"

"It's okay mommy! Minnie picked me up!" Gavin said brightly.

"EXCUSE ME! Your father's WHORE picked you up!" Lydia said vey mad now. Donnie tried to cover Gavin's ears but it was too late. 

" What's a whore?" Gavin asked," Minnie was very nice." 

" What does Minnie have to with Joe?" Donnie asked confused," She works downtown."

"He's been seeing her! For weeks," Lydia said annoyed. It all made sense now to Donnie! And the fact he was seeing Minnie made him even more angry over the way he'd been treating her today.

"What's a whore?" Gavin repeated annoyed no one was answering him.

"It's not a very nice word," Donnie told him,' I never want to find out you've used that word, especially in reference to a woman." 

" I don't get it though,' Gavin said. 

" Good. And I hope you never do. Be good, I'm going to talk to your Daddy," Donnie told him. 

" Okay I'll be good," Gavin promised. Donnie turned and headed back to his car,, climbing in and headed back towards Club 54. Minnie and Jenny walked into Club 54 and the two women went over to the bar, Tiffany and Debbie saw them and greeted them. 

" hey!" Tiffany said hugging both of them. 

Debbie smiled,' Hey glad to see you girls!" she said hugging them. Joe was nowhere to be seen. He had apparently disappeared with that blonde a few minutes ago. They were somewhere towards the back of the club. He was leaning up against the wall and she was sliding her hands down his chest as she leaned in to kiss him. He was just about to kiss her and he changed his mind. 

" I can't I'm sorry," he said pushing her away. All he could see was Minnie's face. The way she would kiss him and he knew he wanted to be with her, but clearly she didn't want to be with him. He sighed as he headed for the bar again to get another Cadillac.

"No luck?" He heard a female voice grumble. He knew that voice.... the voice to match the face he kept seeing.

His eyes met Minnie's," What are you doing here? You obviously don't want me, so why should I waste my time and feelings on a woman again. Been there that and No I could have had the blonde just now, I chose not to," He mumbled and got the bar tender's attention and ordered a Cadillac on the rocks, no salt.

"I do want you Joe that's your problem. If I didn't I would have answered your phone and picked up YOUR SON from practice," she snapped sliding his phone to him.

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