Chapter 3

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"Looking good baby," some guy said as They passed by.

Minnie tried not to roll her eyes as she and Jenny went up and they showed their IDs and were let in.

"Thank you," Jenny smiled and they went in.

"Welcome ladies," a bouncer smiled.

The two of them went to the bar to order drinks as they looked around the club.

"I want a shot," Jenny said, "tequila!"

"No way! Tequila makes you crazy!!!" Minnie said.

"Please please Minnie," Jenny begged.

"One!!!" She laughed. Jenny ordered the shot of Tequila and Minnie ordered a pink rink of some kind. Meanwhile, joe and nick are in joes condo chatting music.

"How's the new music coming?" Joe asked Nick. Nick was also working on a solo album hopefully to be released next year.

"It's good I just need inspiration," Nick commented.

"That receptionist perhaps?" Joey teased him.

"Maybe, but I'm freshly divorced I don't wanna rush it or scare her off!" Nick said.

"I know. It took me almost four years after mine to start dating again but I had kids to handle too," Joey said to him. "I've still never brought a girl home"

"I know man and after Kat's miscarriage we were so lost it just collapsed," nick said.

"I'm sorry man. Yeah I had my fair share of battles with Lydia. But the problem with Lydia was that I loved her more than she loved me. It was more like she just settled for being with me. We were actually going to Couples Therapy for a long time but that didn't even help. I can't imagine losing a baby," Joey said softly.

"I dunno, maybe we just aren't as good as the fans say," nick said.

"I don't know," Joey said with a sigh," I mean. I know there were time I've been a jerk but I mean I feel like I'm mostly a decent guy. I provided for my family, I even put them first alot of times. All I asked in return was support for my career which I can only seem to get from my kids."

"I understand dude trust me," nick replied, "I need a damn drink!"

"Wanna go out somewhere?" Joey asked him.

"Please!" He said.

"Let's go," Joey agreed as he got up and grabbed his jacket, keys and wallet.

"Maybe get an Uber?" Nick chuckled.

"Sure," Joey said and used his phone to get them an Uber to take them out.

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