Chapter 8

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Meanwhile, Minnie was cleaning up the room where they had been when she heard a phone ring. She found it and realized it was joes phone. She noticed it was one of his boys, but it was the 5th called with a lot of text messages!

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hello.... um is my daddy there? Mommy forgot me at practice again..." The boy whimpered.

"Um no he left his phone... where are you?" Minnie asked him.

"At Adams ball field...." he said.

"I tell you what I'll come to get you and then we can get ahold of your dad together okay? I have his friend's numbers..." she said.

"Okay....." he said softly.

"I'll be driving a Silver Tiguan. It's like an SUV sort of and I will pull up and walk over. I am wearing business-like clothes, a jacket and skirt okay?" Minnie told him. 

" Okay," The boy said," I'll wait." 

" Okay I'll be there soon," she promised him. She hung up , taking Joey's phone with her and grabbed her car keys, flying past Jennifer. 

"Minnie!" Jen called out to her. She didn't stop as she rushed to her car and got in. She tossed the phone into the side console and put her key in after shutting the door and putting on her seat belt. She drove to Adams it took her 30 minutes. When she got there she got out and walked over to see the little boy. 

 " Hi, I'm the woman you spoke to on the phone. My name is Minnie," she told him softly. 

" I'm Gavin," he said quietly. " Well Gavin come on, we can get in my car and we will call someone to tell your Daddy," she promised, holding her hand out to him.

"Uncle Donnie maybe they hang out a lot," he said softly going with her to her car. She showed him his dad's phone so he could see she wasn't lying.

"Okay, I have his number at my office! Your dad's phone is locked..." she said.

Gavin nodded," Okay," he whispered to her. They went to her car and she made sure he put his seatbelt on once he got in. HIs bag at his feet. She drove back to her office.

When they went in she got him food then went over to Jenny.

"Gavin, joes son," she began then told her the whole story.

Jen's eyes went wide," WHOA. I never thought he'd forget a kid," she whispered softly. 

" Me either," Minnie said," Now I am going to have to call Donnie and probably end up talking to Joe," she sighed.

"Do what you got to!!" Jen said giving me Donnie's number.

"Thanks,' Minnie said to her. She went into her office and from there dialed Donnie's number. He picked up on the second ring.

" Hello?" he said. 

" Hey it's Minnie from the Vogue Style Offices," she said quietly. "

" Oh hey!" Donnie said,'' Not changing your mind about helping us, I hope. I mean I know Joe was behaving badly today," he said quietly so Joey wouldn't hear him. 

" Oh no. I'm still helping you all," Minnie said,' It's just that well Joe left his phone and then Gavin called looking for him. No one picked up Gavin after his practice today." 

"Shit!" Donnie said, "I don't know if Joe was supposed to or not, hold on." She heard him trying to get Joey's attention. The group had gone out and they were at a bar. Joey had already been drinking and was hitting on a blonde. 

Donnie sighed before he got back on the phone,' Hey um Joe's already started drinking tonight. I don't typically drink when I go out with them. I'll just come to get Gavin and take him to Lydia's. I'll tell Joe tomorrow," Donnie offered.

"Okay, thanks! Jen was wondering where y'all were at, she was gonna go out tonight.." Minnie said, "thought she'd hang with you all! Apparently she and Tiffany got chatting!" She added.

Donnie chuckled," Tiffany picks up friends wherever she goes. Gotta love her, we are out here at Club 54. Tell Jen she's free to join us, you can come too after I pick up Gavin, if you want," he said to her. 

" Uh, that's okay. I'll tell Jen though, thanks," Minnie said.

"You're welcome!" He said and they hung up.

"Jens coming!" Donnie announced before heading out to go get Gavin. Poor kid, he felt bad for him. His mom forgot him, his dad's been drinking.... kid just needed a parent.

Donnie drove an hour back towards the Vogue Style Offices and walked in, heading up to Minnie's floor. He walked through the doors and saw Gavin there with Minnie talking to him. She looked up when Donnie walked in. 

" Hey,' Minnie said, "I couldn't just leave him at that field all alone." 

" You did the right thing why do you look so scared?" Donnie asked her. 

Minnie sighed," You might want to ask Joe that one," she said. 

Gavin was so happy to see Donnie," Uncle Donnie!" he said and gave him a hug. 

" Hey there Bud," Donnie said hugging him," Mom forgot huh?" he asked. 

" Whenever Mommy forgets, Daddy comes he didn't come today," Gavin said quietly. 

" Daddy's been working all day. He didn't know bud, I'm sure if he did that he would have come. Did you thank the nice lady, Minnie?" he asked him.

"Yes, she's very nice!!" He said.

"And you're a good kid!! You have my number right? So if it happens again you call me!" She said.

"Okay!" He smiled, hugged her and then they left.

"He's a good kid," Jenny said as she finished checking her hair. She'd grabbed an outfit from the rental closet to wear to the club.

"Definitely. Cute kid too," Minnie agreed," Have fun tonight." 

" You should come too, I'm sure Joe has cooled off by now and would love to see you," Jenny told her.

"I dunno..." Minnie said but Jen pulled her up and hey went to get her dressed.

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