Chapter 30

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Jordan chuckled," As much as Dub packs each Tour and Cruise, it's a guy thing to take one suitecase unless we are flying than its one suitecase and one carry on," he said to her.

"Okay then two is the goal..." she smiled pecking his lips, "and one empty one for anything I may buy while we're there..."

he chuckled. She was so cute. Her first cruise. By next year she'd know one would do but he didn't want to trample on her happiness. But next year they may be married if this proposal goes well.

He was really hoping that she would say yes when he asked her. He loved her so much and couldn't imagine not having her around now that she was a huge part of his life.

"Okay I think I got this... are you packed babe?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am... and so are the boys, we are all set," he smiled, laying on their bed just watching her make piles to get into her suitcases.

"Do you want some help packing?" Jordan asked curiously.

"No baby I'm fine, I got this!" She smiled.

Jordan tried not to watch, it was sort of painful watching her try to fit it all in.

"Instead of looking scared help me!!" She whined.

"You said you had it," Jordan laughed as he moved to help her shaking his head.

"I did but your stronger!!" She smiled batting her eyes at me.

Jordan laughed and got her stuff into her suitecase, he had to rearrange a few things, but made it fit and than closed it.

"Thanks baby! Did you see the stuff on the bottom?" She cooed.

"No, why?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"No reason you'll see later!!!" She giggled.

"Okay dokey Missy," Jordan replied and leaned over to kiss her softly.

"Let's check the boys and make sure!! Your son is 19!! Make sure he's got condoms!" She said simply.

"Why are we talking about the boys when I am kissing you?" Jordan groaned.

"Because if we keep kissing it leads to other things and we don't have time..." she said.

Jordan sighed," Fine be mean," he said as he pulled away to go check on Dante and Eric.

She sighed. They were always having sex, not that she minded but she wanted family time.

Jordan found Dante and Eric playing a video game together," Hey boys you packed?" he asked them.

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