Chapter 6

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"Then let continue, there are a lot of things I can do without removing your clothes," he said, rolling them over and kissing down her neck, then lifting her shirt jut and inch or slow kissing over her stomach.

She closed her eyes letting out a soft sigh of pleasure at the from her lips softly. He dragged his tongue along whatever skin he could reach. 

" Oh god," she moaned softly. 

"How much do you like this?" he whispered to her softly. 

" A lot," she promised.

"I'll do everything I can to please you, Minnie... I'm desperate for you and fo this...." he said, continuing his assault with his lips, his right hand began to mess with the strings on her bathing suit bottoms, and she was trying to get everything she could inside of her to tell him, no, but it was proving difficult...

A rush of breath escaped her lips, "Joe. 

"Which one of us is making this hard now?" she whispered to him. 

He sighed," I can't help it," he said softly to her. 

" I know," she said softly. He was dying to feel her skin against his, even though he had promised to go slow. He wanted to brush his lips along the tops of her breasts. Her chest was rising and falling with each breath she took. She moved so that she was sitting on him, her hands on his chest. 

He groaned softly at the thought of her sitting on top of him naked like that. His hands slid down and up her legs, brushing the strings of her bikini bottoms again. She leaned over kissing his neck softly. He slipped one hand into her hair, the other one trying desperately trying not to pull on those strings to pull that fabric away from her body. He could feel himself getting harder and harder.

"Okay okay we have to stop, we have to or it won't end...." he said, holding her back.

"I know we should but why do you have to be so sexy and make me wish I didn't want to go slow?" she asked with a sigh. 

He chuckled,' Well it's been a long time since I've been called sexy," he told her.

"Seriously? how? you're like walking sex...." she said her face in shock at his words.

Joey sighed softly," I don't know. I mean I guess it's basically because I loved Lydia more than she loved me. She never really would do anything to make me feel special or important or good or whatever," He said.

"Well I tell you what if we get to that level, a relationship you'll be loved and spoiled," she said.

He smiled softly," I'm not sure I would know what to do with that," he admitted. 

"From me, you will," she promised with a smile. He smiled and they enjoyed the rest of their night out on the boat. A few weeks had passed and Joey's EP had been released as well as the photo he had where Minnie had dressed him. 

Now Joey was getting ready for Mixtape with the rest of NKOTB, Tiffany, Debbie Gibson, Salt n Peppa, and Naughty By Nature. The Mixtape line up was going to be doing a photoshoot and Minnie was going to get a chance to dress them. She was at the office trying to find different outfits when the group arrived for their appointment. 

Jen let her know they were here and Minnie said they could come with her. She got to work putting together different outfits for them. While Tiffany and Debbie were trying on the different outfits that Minnie had chosen for them. Minnie was picking things out for Joey. She held up a green button-down shirt. 

" No," Joey said shaking his head. Minne put that down and held up a polo shirt that was grey. 

" No," Joey said shaking his head again. Minnie went through several options, Joey kept saying no to them. She sighed and grabbed a dark blue button-down and shoved it at him.

" Try it on will you," she said putting a smile on her face. She was trying not to get upset but for some reason, he was being difficult today. Joey took the shirt and went to try it on. Minnie found some pants and was debating over what to do for a jacket for his outfit. While she was deciding that, she found outfits for everyone else in the room and they were trying things on. Joey came out and was standing in front of the mirror and looking at the blue shirt. Minnie came over to him.

" Hey you look nice," she offered as she moved to fix the collar a little bit. Joey lowered his voice so only she could hear him.

" It doesn't feel like it's got that vibe," he said quietly. He reached for her hand and she quickly pulled her hand back from his reach. 

" Stop it. Or you will have a room full of people to tell," she warned him. She wasn't sure she was ready for everyone he knew to know about them, they had been on that first date and it had set his ex-wife off. 

"Wow you are grumpy today," Joey whispered to her.

" This going slow thing getting to you?" he asked with a smirk. 

 Minnie sighed,' No it's not that," she said," You're being extra difficult today and I'm already tired. I had 9 other appointments before you all." 

"So let me make you feel better," Joey whispered to her. 

"I'm serious if they hear you they are going to start asking questions," Minnie whispered. 

" This blue is too dark," Joey said out loud instead. 

Minnie sighed," Well I will go see what else I have," she said as she headed for the door, "Excuse me." Donnie glanced over at Joey after Minnie had left the room.

" Yo Joe, you sound like one of your kids today. What gives?" he asked him. 

" I don't like the colors," Joey said simply. 

" So the poor girl has hit like every color combination of colors in the spectrum possible. She's probably about to bring back a pink shirt for you now," Donnie said. 

"Um, I'll go see if she can find a jacket to go with something casual. I'll be right back," Joey said as he left the room. He found Minnie in the extra wardrobe room looking through shirts. 

He came up behind her and slid his hands down her arms," Am I being too difficult to handle today?" he whispered to her. 

" You sound five instead of forty-five," she told him. 

" Sorry," he said softly. He pressed a soft kiss to her neck, nuzzling it. " Are you trying to get me to forget what I'm supposed to be doing?" she asked softly. 

"The blue is fine... I just wanted to get you alone. Why don't you turn around and kiss me? I've missed your lips. Your kisses," he said softly to her.

"Joe, I'm trying to keep things on the down-low, that crazy ex of yours is never gonna give up on me... shes psycho.... Jenny warned me.... some wives can be crazy... I don't want her to get violent..." she said.

"Violent? are other things happening? are there things you haven't told me?" he asked concerned, seeing the doubt and fear in her eyes.

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