Chapter 11

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Joe was sitting there and wondering how tommorrow was going to go. He really watned to talk to Minnie and let her know that he wanted to be with her. He really liked her. Jordan spent time in the shower getting clean. He had to blow dry his hair so when he was with that and dressed he came out, grabbing his keys and wallet. 

" Thanks Joe," he said. 

" Sure no problem," Joey told him. Jordan headed home and Joey finisehd the show on tv before getting up to head to bed. In the morning Minnie had gone shopping for extra shirts and jackets, a few vests, whatever else she could. All so Joey would have something to pick out and not argue with her today. She brought the purchases into the office and laid things out in the room that everyone would be using again. She also pulled shoes in everyone's sizes for them to try to go with what they were picking out.

When they all arrived they seemed in good spirits but her best friend was so easy to read! Watching her eyeball Jordan the way she was.

"Pull it together this isn't about this today!" She said to her firmly. Jen just nodded and shut the door behind her as she left. That girl had no chill.

" I pulled everything you would need today," Minnie told the group," Take your time deciding. Joe, I found some extra things hopefully you will like something," she told him.

"Thank you," he said politely. He browsed thru and found a couple casual tees and leather and denim jacket sets he liked.

"You're welcome," she replied. He tried on the clothing choices. Minnie fixed the cuffs of the jacket when he stepped out wearing the outfit. As her fingers brushed his hand, he turned it upwards and pulled her close to him. 

" I acted badly yesterday. Dub was right," he said softly.

 " Yeah well, I suggest if you want to keep coming to me for your clothing needs that you need to stop acting that way," she told him. 

" I will," He promised,'I really am sorry. It's been a bad few years on and off since everything."

"Well stop taking it out on the help," she teased.

"You're not the help and you know it," he told her softly," can you forgive me?" 

" You're forgiven Joe, how do you like this one?" she asked him instead.

"It's perfect," he said, still looking at her. She blushed and swatted his arm.

"Good..." she smiled and they finished up the appointment.

"I hate to be a hummer but I can see you Monday right?" He asked softly.

"Yes as soon as my parents leave you can come over," she answered, then pecked his lips softly, forgetting they were not alone. It got very quiet and it was then she remembered they had an audience.

"I'm sorry," she whispered bashfully.

He slipped a hand into her hair and pulled her close again, he kissed her passionately. His tongue slipping out to trace her lips slowly. He parted her lips and sucked on her bottom lip. When he had stopped he was still kissing her. 

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