Chapter 16

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"Go!" Minnie said and smiled. So much for not being sure about kids. Minnie could see her being so committed to those boys. She let her friend leave then went to her office and turned on TMZ.

"The rumors are true everyone! Justin and Hailey are engaged!!! She debuted the ring at her last red carpet!!!" The tv said.

Minnie's eyes went wide,"Whoa!" she said. Huh, well as long as she is happy. She actually really liked meeting Hailey to dress her.The photos were in that dress she picked out. Very gorgeous.She was glad that she got to help Hailey pick out a stunning dress for the carpet.

"Hey gorgeous you busy?" A voice asked.

Minnie looked over her shoulder," Hey! No,'" she said.

"Good," joe said coming over and kissing her softly, "what time will you be coming over tonight?"

Minnie kissed him back," Mmmm. I should be there by 7," she said to him.

"Good, ill plan for 7! Wine, jammies and a picnic by the fire." He cooed.

"That sounds fabulous," Minnie said with a smile," I could definitely get cozy with you."

"I'm very excited about it... you have no idea..." he said gently kissing her neck.

"Joe I told Jen she wasnt allowed to do things with Jordan in here. The same goes for us," Minnie said softly," Not that I don't like that."

"Just a reminder of what's waiting for you at home..." he said, swatting her Butt.She giggled and he headed out to plan their romantic date.Minnie couldn't wait to get off work and spend time with him. It just felt right, it felt normal. It felt like they belonged together.She loved him and she couldn't to tell him.

Once the work day was . Minnie cleaned up, put everything away. Items that had been returned from photo shoots or events had been sent the dryer cleaners earlier and she would have to pick them up when they were ready. She closed up, locking up and headed towards Joey's.When she arrived the lights were out but she could hear him singing.

"I'm going deep tonight, yeah girl I'm diiiiiiving in...." he was singing to himself.

She walked up behind him, sliding her hand up to his shoulder and leaning in so her mouth was by his ear," I hope I'm the girl you're talking about," she whispered to him. Her other hand slid down to his waist as she pressed herself up against his back.

"Yes ma'am!" He said before turning to face her, "balls deep baby girl!" She laughed.

"You're so damn crude!" She giggled.

Joey chuckled," I'm from Boston. That's what we are like," he said to her. He leaned in brushing his lips against hers softly," Mmmm. I have missed you today," he said to her softly. " I've missed you too," she said softly as she let the hand on his shoulder slip into his hair. His mouth moved to her wrist, kissing the inside of it softly.

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