Chapter 32

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Donnie invited a 100 random girls to his party tonight in the club on the boat, he was taking over the whole club it was invite only which left alot of broken Donnie Girl Hearts. Joe had said good night to kids before Jessie had taken them back to teh cabin she was sharing with them, to put them to bed. When Joe had gotten back to his cabin, he didn't find  Minnie there and wondered where she could be. He finally walked out of his cabin and down to the one she was technically supposed to be using as her, that she was supposed to be sharing with Jen, but he was sure Jen was already with Jordan.  He was about to knock on her door but could hear music coming from inside the cabin.

He knew the song, well the chorus atleast with most. They had only ever performed this one about twice or less maybe. He knocked on the door anyway, wondering if she'd hear it over the music. The door did open and she stood there in her pajamas for the night. A pair of cotton shorts and a tank top that didn't quiet reach the top of her shorts. Her eyes were red like she had been crying. He reached up putting his hand on her cheek, he almost was afraid to ask the state of her appearance.

"Do you love me?" she whispered softly.

He let his thumb brush across her bottom lip," I love you in a way that I've never loved a woman ever in my entire life," he whispered to her softly," Have you been crying tonight?"

She avoided the question," Show me you love me. Something anything Joe. I can't keep doing this anymore. I can't keep trying to make you happy and lose everything I want in the process if you don't love me," the words were coming out of her mouth before she could stop them.

"Minnie, I've moved you in with my family, given you everything, brought you here when I've never brought a woman with me ever, what more do you want from me?" He asked gently, "tell me and I'll do it..." his heart was twisting in his chest at the thought of losing her.

" What I want, I'm not sure you want those things and if I say I want them and you don't than we both lose," she said as a couple tears fell," I feel like I don't mean as much to as other things in your life. Where do I fit? Do i just keep your bed warm'?"

He pulled her close to him," You know that's not true," he said softly," It's never been about how much I can get or what I want. You've changed my entire life, the way I view relationships. I never though I'd find the woman who would love me the way that you have. Love my kids." She buried her face in his chest.

" Then why am I having to say the words Joe? Why am I just here. Or just at home with you? Why can't I be with you, why can't we share our life together?"

"I thought we have been! Is this about marriage? Because I want that, I do, I just want to complete the last one before starting a new one Min..." he said.

She looked up at him," You do?" she asked softly.

" Yes," he said," I do."

He sighed," I wasn't going to tell you this..but I got you a place holder until I could give you a ring. It's just not ready yet. It was supposed to be a surprise. I designed it myself and put the down payment on it a few weeks ago."

"Oh... joe... really?" She cooed softly as his lips gently landed over hers.

"Yes really now please.. baby come back to bed with me... it's cold without you!" He begged.She had her arms around his neck," Mmmmm. Only if you promise to hold me close," she said softly.

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