Chapter 4

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The next day, Joey had gone to pick up his kids so that he could walk them from his ex's house, to their schools. He wanted to spend a little bit of time with the kids. He missed them alot.  Cade was the oldest at 10, Gavin was 9 and Stasia was 7. 

 Stasia was holding Joey's hand in hers," Daddy, are you going to take me to see The Little Mermaid?" she asked him. There was going to be an Off Broadway production of The Little Mermaid.

"If you want to go princess I will take you," he smiled.

" I really wanna go!" Stasia said.

 Joey smiled," I will buy the tickets after I drop you off at school," he said to her. 

" Why does she always get what she wants?" Gavin said.

"Because she asks...." joe said to his son.

"Okay can I have a rocket ship?" He pouted.

"A rocket ship?" Joey asked him. 

" Yeah. I wanna fly to the moon! Like Neil Armstrong!" Gavin said to him.

"Well that requires more school!! Lots of it! Or nasa won't let u fly!" Joe said.

Gavin pouted," No fun," he grumbled.

"I know bud but there are some things even your dad can't do," joe smiled ruffling his hair.

Gavin sighed," Yeah I guess," he mumbled. First they arrived at Cade and Gavin's school.

"Okay be good guys. I love you," Joe told the boys.

"Love you too dad," the smiled going in and waving as they went.

"Me next!!!" Stadia grinned.

Joe chuckled,' Come on princess," he said as he walked Stasia to her school. It wasn't far from the boys, Lydia had insisted that Stasia go to some ridiculously fancy school instead of a regualr school where they could send all three.

"Daddy when can I come stay at your house?" She asked

"Well princess I have to talk to Mommy about that one. Let me see if I can talk to her soon," Joe promised her.

"Okay.... were here's now!" She said pointing to her school.Joe smiled as they came up to the side walk. 

Stasia gave him a hug," Love you Daddy," she said. 

" I love you too," Joe said hugging her back. She pulled away and went up the stairs to her school.

He hated saying goodbye to his kids. They were his world.He sighed softly as he watched Stasia disappear into the school building. He honestly did not know what he would do without them. He loved them so much and he felt like even though he didn't live far from them that he was miles away.

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