Chapter 13

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Minnie arrived right on time. Table was set, dinner was ready, House was clean and now was the time for the romance.Joey opened the door when she arrived. He was dressed for dinner but when he saw her, he was just amazed by her. She looked so incredibly beautiful.

"Damn, you trying to make me skip dinner?" He asked pulling her in for a kiss.

Minnie was kissing him back softly," Are you trying to have dessert first?" she whispered. 

" No. I want to feed you first, treat you right," he whispered. They part and she walked in, he shut the door behind her. As she stopped to see the table, she was amazed. Roses in the middle in a vase, candles lit. 

" Joe," she said softly. He came up behind her, putting his hand on her waist and his mouth was by her ear.

" You deserve to be treated like a princess," he said softly. He used his other hand to pick up the remote he had put on the table and used it to turn on some music. He let go of her to put the remote somewhere else.

"And you deserve to be treated like a king," she said softly kissing him gently.She stroked his face before sitting in the chair he'd pulled out for her.Once she was comfortable in her seat, he gently pushed it in. Then he went around to his seat and sat across from her at the table. He pushed his seat forwards and then took her hand into his.

" I feel like a king when I'm with you," he told her softly," I mean I've had the adoration and love from the fans but I've never had the pure genuity from a woman before."

"You deserve that," she smiled, "for you, the kids, even tho I've only met Gav, if they are all as sweet as him they deserve the word as well," she said. He felt tears in his eyes. This woman didn't even know all of his children and she was confessing a concern and care for them. He was falling fast and she was making it very hard to not fall In Love with her.

"They are my life. Everything I do is for them, I never want them to be out there without the love, support and need to get what they need," He said softly," I mean when I became a father for the first time with Cade, I never thought I'd go back to the career that had been a big part of my life. I tried...and all my solo efforts and acting gigs didn't seem to take off all that well. It was hard but I've always loved what I do and couldn't just stop. I appreciate and love that you care so deeply."

"They are a part of you.... and if I'm. Crazy about you and wanna be with you they come with that..." she said, "I just hope that one day you may have room for at least one more in your heart..."

He lifted her hand and kissed the back of it softly," You're already stealing space in it. I would give you anything" he told her," You've really been amazing to me."

She didn't know how to respond except to lean over and kiss his lips. Her heart was falling fast for him and she knew after that night she'd finally be able to admit to at least herself she was falling in love!He kissed her back softly, his other hand going up to caress her cheek gently and softly. He knew he'd never be able to get enough of being around her now.

They ate dinner, laughing, feeding each other and having a couple of glasses of wine. It was a pretty perfect start. But they both knew things were gonna change for good once he back hit that mattress. Both were eager, ready and prepared for an incredible night.After dinner, Minnie helped him clean up and do the dishes. Once they were, he blew out the candles at the table and took her by the hand towards his bedroom. Once in his room, he reached for her his lips finding hers as she was sliding her hands down his chest slowly. 

He kissed her softly," I am dying to taste your skin," he breathed," To kiss your body everywhere."

"No one is stopping you.." she gasped as his lips landed gently on her neck. Her body lost all control and she latched onto him letting his lips travel over her neck and collarbone and he unzipped her dress, letting it fall to the floor. She unbuttoned his shirt and kissed all over his chest before he moved them over to his bed, kissing up each leg as she moaned and writhed under his touch.  His lips tasting her sweet skin as he went along. She could hardly stand it. He continued as he moved along her body, slowly other pieces of clothing were coming off as they were both undressing each other.

"I need you..." she breathed out and with that, he reached for a condom.

"Birth control," she said, "I promise..."

He debated for only a moment before he continued getting the condom.

"Making sure, besides it's been a while, I wanna last..." he said.

"I understand," she said. He suited up then took her thighs in his hands and pushed forward.

"Fuck," they both mined at the same time.

When he started moving, thrusting into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist, dragging her nails down his back," Shit Joe. Yes," she moaned her eyes closed. She lift her hips to meet his deep thrusts. It didn't take long before he was pushing harder and faster, the mattress shaking with their movements. Her mouth by his ear as she grazed the helix with her teeth. He wrapped a hand around one of her breasts.

"Fuck fuck, don't stop, I'm gonna.. ohhhh shiiit," she moaned as she climaxed around him, her body shaking under him. This egged him on, pushing faster causing her moans to turn to screams. That's what he wanted. Screaming. Her screaming his praises.

"Yes!!!!! JOE!" She cried out before his speed increased and his breathing quickened.He was so close but he didn't wanna bail until she was fully satisfied.Her body was still shaking and she didn't want this feeling to ever end. She had forgotten how great it was to be close to someone, and it made it even better that it was him. He kissed her neck softly. She ran her fingers through his hair as his lips were seeking hers out. She finished climaxing and he was moving and she could tell he was about to soon. As they were kissing, she held him closer to her body her hands all over him. She moved her lips to press a kiss to his shoulder. She could get lost in him, she loved the feel of him against her, the scent of whatever cologne he had put on tonight.

"Give it to me Joe, give me that ending, use my body," she moaned gently grabbing his, in her opinion, perfect backside in her hands.

He didn't need anymore coaxing as he was pushing and soon he was hitting his release as he was spilling," FUCK! I don't think once is enough," he groaned to her as he reached for her face and kissed her. Her hands were still on his ass. 

" You're perfect," she breathed softly as she kissed him.

He just groaned his way they his body shaking and everything tightened up before he finally collapsed over her.

"My god Minnie fuck I needed that!" He said softly kissing all over her neck. That was the start of a very long night. They spent the rest of the night in that bed falling asleep in one another's arms. That was the moment they fell In Love but neither said anything for quite a while.

They were crazy happy together, but the other 'couple' in this story was at a standstill. Jordan wanted Jen for good, but Jen wasn't sure if she could trust him.

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