Chapter 33

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Jennifer was just as nervous sitting sidelines watching Jordan stand with all these fans then drinking water between. She was close by and sat like a part of their team but after an hour or so they took a break to use the restroom and he stole a kiss from her before getting back to work. He'd kissed her, in front of his fans..... her lips burned as they all stared at her with pure jealousy in their eyes. Minnie smirked and gave her a thumbs up from the line.Jen saw Minnie's shirt and couldn't contain her giggles. She wondered where she had gotten that.

She couldn't help but smile as Minnie stepped up and joe smirked pulling her into his side, kissing her temple.

Minnie actually felt butterflies in her stomach from that. She didn't think that she'd ever stop getting those kinds of feelings around him. " Love the shirt," Joe said with a smile. "It's perfect," Minnie agreed. He said hello to the other blockhead who was going to be standing on his other side and once everyone was in their spots, they took the picture smiling.

"Hey!!! Before everyone runs away!" Joe said, pulling Minnie in front of him, "this is Minnie.... she's actually with me, She is my girlfriend... so be kind to her!" Minnie looked shocked at his announcement of their relationship.

A couple BHs looked shocked, some looked rather annoyed and some smiled. " If you're happy Joe, than that's what matters," One told them," We'll be nice." She knew she couldn't speak for all BHs but she knew several would be nice, because over the years they had seen the guys go through alot and respected them.

"Thank you, now go sit with Jen missy," he said swatting her backside as she went, making her squeal and jump a bit. She smacked his arm but went to go sit.

"He just told them all you were his..." Jen smiled nudging my arm.

" I know," Minnie said still stunned," And last night he said he wants to get married..well not tommorrow or anything but he said he did want to. He got me a place holder til he could get me a ring," she said softly.

"Awww!!! Let me see!!!" She gushed.

"It's being made.... it's not here yet but it's on it's way..." Min smiled, "last night and just now is all I ever wanted from him.... acknowledgement he loved me, wanted me..."

"I told you. That man is crazy for you, he may not open his mouth much to the world about it, but he is," Jen said grinning. 

" I know...I just needed him to show me I mattered is all," she said with a smile. 

" Well I think that's settled now," Jen told her," Feel better?" 

" Much," she said," Is it strange that I get butterflies whenever I'm near him?"

"Not at all! I get them around Jordan all the time," Jen smiled.

"Mommy..." Stasia said showing up beside her.

"Sweetie, where's Jessie?" Minnie asked.

"She's sick...." she said softly, "throwing up..."

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