Chapter 26

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Minnie was gone all weekend. She was staying with Jordan and Jen in their guest room. On Monday after taking the kids to school, Joe finally showed up there. He knew she was there because there was nowhere else she would go. He knocked on the door and after a moment Jordan answered. 

"Hey," joe smiled.

"Hey, She's up in the guest room with Jen..." he said.

"Thanks man," Joe said as he stepped into the house.

"No problem but good luck," he said.

"It will be fine,' Joe said as he headed up to the guest room. He found it easily bc the door was still open. He knocked on the open door gently. Minnie looked up and her eyes narrowed.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"To talk," Joe said gently.

"Why? So you can downgrade me again?" She asked defensively.

"No so you can hopefully understand where I am coming from," He said.

"Fine so talk..." she said.

" I have kids. I need to be a good example for them and that includes who I bring into their lives. I don't want Stasia growing up to think the best way to make money is to take off her clothes, or be a playboy model, or roll around in her bra and panties in a music video. I want her to be a femal president, a ceo of a company, own her own business, a lawyer. The fashion and entertainment industry thrives on sex and using sex to sell and I want her to stay away from that. I'm sorry if I worded things harshly I was just really upset, I expected more from you because you're smart, beautiful,bright. I understand you want to help with Cade's education and I appreciate that I'm sorry I said i could handle it myself instead of just explaining," he said.

"Joe, I'm a grown woman, I was trying to show that just because a girl can be sexy and beautiful she can be smart and professional too!!" He said.

"That's your own choice. You are an adult, but it affects my kids," he said quietly," Stasia talks non stop about you, she's going to want to be like you."

"I get it Joe, I'm sorry," she whimpered tears welling in her eyes.

Joe went to her and knelt before her," Baby. You are amazing, smart, successful, stunningly gorgeous. I love you more than anything if either of us should be crying it should be me, because you're going to find someone younger and better looking,' He said quietly.

"Joseph... no!!!" She gushed kissing my temple, "no baby I love YOU!!!"

"I love you too beautiful," He said softly.

"I just don't want men lusting after you, and when the fans find out who u are they will be cruel and hateful.. and I want to avoid that for as long as possible..." he said.

By ChanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora