Chapter 14

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Jen was sitting on the living room sofa and sighed softly. She did not know what to do about Jordan. She liked him, but she had to be realistic in this situation.

Jordan: hey u busy? I wanna talk.

Jen: I think that's a good idea TALKING is a good plan

Jordan: Alright. Then can I come over or meet you somewhere?

Jen: u can come over but rmbr.. only talking!!

Jordan: I promise just talking. I'll see you soon

She was nervous. Should she spruce up or stay in her jammies? They were just talking and what she's learned from Jordan the past few weeks he finds her sexy in everything. So jammies and comfy it is. But she did get things picked up and coffee made.  Jordan arrived at the apartment that Jen shared with Minnie. He went up and knocked on the door.  She answered the doors in her jammies and he just smirked. She was so sexy to him. She let him in and they sat in the living room on the couch. He went to smooch her but she put her hand up.

"Talking.... you first..." she said as his lips landed on her palm.

Jordan sighed," Come on. We will talk, I can't even have a kiss?" he asked her.

"Kissing with us always leads to sex," she giggled.

"Just one, I promise," he smiled. She sighed and kissed him gently.

"Better?!" She smiled.

"mmm, passable. I guess we talk since we said we would," Jordan said softly.

"You first," She said snuggling into his side. She felt so safe and good in his arms.

Jordan held her," I like you, Jen. You're everything I would want if I could make my own woman," he said softly to her.

"And your wife?" She asked softly, "where do I stand beside her?"

" I'm still trying to figure out the best way to not turn my boys lives upside down," he said sadly," I mean I do want to be with you more than I want to be with her."

"But you're not," she said softly, "you're still with her, sleeping beside her, she's under you wrapped in your arms, it kills me. I feel things for you... and it's hard to think of you with anyone else, wife or not..." she was in tears by the end.

Jordan sighed as he wiped her tears away," You are only half right. She does still sleep beside me, but I don't hold her the way I hold you. I don't hold her at all anymore, she won't let me. I don't kiss her. She comes home and walks right by me like I am invisible. "

"Do you love her?" She asked. They'd only been together or well sleeping together a few weeks but she was crazy about him. Everything she didn't want to happen was happening.

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