Chapter 7

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"Not yet," Minnie whispered," But I'm dreading what she could possibly be capable of." 

" Baby, I would never let you get hurt," Joey said softly to her. 

" Oh you think it's that easy?" she asked him. 

" Come on, I mean obviously if Lydia were going to strike she would have by now. It's been a few weeks since your encounter with her," Joey said softly," We've been together, going places. Nothing bad has happened than." 

" She could just be waiting.," Minnie said softly.

"Baby trust me I wouldn't let anything happen to you," he said pulling her close and leaning back with her relaxing kissing her temple, and holding her close.

"Baby? My parents are coming to visit so I have a weekend where we won't see each other," Minnie said suddenly, out of the blue.

"Oh why can't we see one another?!" He asked her.

"Me dating a divorced man my parents would be gobsmacked!!" She said, "it's improper and unacceptable! Daddy would be so disappointed!"

Joey frowned," So my past is going to keep us from being together? What the hell are we even doing together than?" he asked annoyed. 

"Joe, please. These are my parents, they strongly believe in starting a family once you are married, waiting til marriage for sex, ecetra," Minnie tried to explain. 

" So what people aren't allowed to have a fresh start? get divorced if things don't work ? That's just stupid!" Joey said. 

Minnie sighed," I'm sorry," she whispered softly. 

" Find another shirt, I don't care what color do your job," Joey said pissed now," and a jacket." He turned walking out of the wardrobe room angry now. Minnie closed her eyes, that conversation had gone horribly. She felt horrible now. Joey stormed back into the room whre the others were they had all decided on what to wear for the photo shoot. 

" Geeze Joe, why do you look so pissed?" Donnie asked him.

"Nothing important!!" He snapped. Minnie felt that in her chest. She said no for one weekend. She had to talk to her parents about joe and how she felt about him before she introduced them. But she was hurt, nothing important? She felt tears well in her eyes and she excused herself back to her private office. She'd fallen so hard for him but his temper was new to her. She'd never seen this side of him before and she didn't like it. His words were so hurtful.

"Hey... you alright?" Jenny asked coming in, "Jordan was looking for you, something about buying the jacket you picked out for him..."

"Fine yeah yeah. Just, the prices are listed in a file on the main computer of all stock. He can buy it just take cash or use my phone I have the thing you can attatch to swipe credit cards," Minnie said quickly , trying not to cry but the tears were coming anyway.

"Minnie, what's wrong?" She asked sitting in the chair across from me, "talk to me!"

"That woman who came in the office that day...wasn't a client. She was Joe's ex wife, Lydia. Someone sent her pictures of us at the club and she was basically telling me to stay away from him because she didn't want me around the kids," Minnie said.

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