Part 2: so this is new...

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Finally the day has come, me and my sister's flight is about to land in LA. The whole flight we have been doing nothing but talking about how excited we were, I was a jittery mess. My sister was very familiar with YouTube and certain creators, I felt like I was too busy to watch videos, other than Mark's.

"I really hope I get to meet Mark's other friends, like besides the ones he lives with." Kim was basically jumping up and down in her seat. Here I was with a full grown, 21 year old female, and she is acting like a thirteen year old girl. "Hopefully I will meet Sean soon." She giggled and continued to go on and on about him.

I rolled my eyes but grinned softly, it was nice to see her so happy. Even though it was hard to leave home, I knew this would be the better decision. It would be nice to finally get a good paying job and to reunite with my old friends. There were so many members of his team I had never met before, in fact, all of them. Tyler, Amy, and one of his newer crew members, Ethan I think is his name. I realized I had been tuning out Kim and I quickly glanced towards her, but she was too busy ranting about Sean, it seemed as though I did not miss out on much.

After we exited the Airplane, we walked towards the waiting area to sit down, but found Mark already anxiously waiting for us. When he noticed us enter the area, he jumped up from his seat and began to walk towards us.

"I'm so sorry, the snow was pretty heavy last night and the cleanup was awful-" Mark cut me off with chuckle.

"No I don't mind, I haven't had free time in quite a while. I laughed nervously when I realized marks only free time was spent in the half hour waiting at the airport.

The drive back was equally mellow and energetic. There were so many different conversations about recent life. I felt like the three of us just picked up right where we had left off 4 years ago. It felt nice to finally be around him again. It wasn't the same when you were hearing his voice through the other end of an old cellphone. I gasped when we pulled up to the luxurious house that Mark called an "Apartment." More like an apartment complex.

Immediately upon opening the door I was overrun with hugs and words of greeting from the crew and his friends. After a while though I almost felt like someone was missing. We all gathered in the living room as I approached Mark,

"Is this everyone?" I asked as Mark took a quick check across the room and soon gasped.

"Where's Ethan?" He said, Ethan, that was his name.

Mark then went upstairs to (I assume) find Ethan.

For the next few minutes I sat with Amy and she talked about how she met mark and stuff they had done so far. Amy was so much different than all the girls mark had dated or liked in the past. She was so much more sweet and did not scare me, I liked that. My sister was chatting with Tyler about something but across the room was too far away for me to eavesdrop.

Mark then came running down the stairs with a skinny brown haired boy, who I could only assume was Ethan. From of the videos of Mark's I had watched, Ethan had not been in any of them. He was slightly shorter than Mark and he almost seemed to walk in a Shy matter, a polar opposite of Mark's "stride." He was wearing a green hoodie and some old black jeans. He kept his hands in his pockets but occasionally he would pull the right one out to run through his hair. As he got closer, I immediately noticed that the faded green hoodie was the same hue as his eyes. "talk about color coordination." I whispered under my breath. I don't know why but I could've sworn my heart skipped a beat.

"y/n meet Ethan." He locked eyes with me and managed to stutter out a greeting, "H-hey." I smiled and reached for his hand. "Hi." It was a short awkward few moments, but a quick comment from Mark made the two of us Laugh.

We spent the rest of the day conversing, and filming a quick video. felt a little out of place not knowing everybody very well but I warmed up to them quickly. They were all really nice and hilarious. We went out to dinner and I fell asleep earlier than I intended. Me and my sister shared the same room in a pair of bunkbeds. I felt just like a little kid again. All was going peacefully when I was awoken by the soft creak of a nearby door. Me and my sister must have been so tired that we forgot to close the door, and now I could see a stream of light shining across the hardwood. I am a light sleeper and I was already half awake. I watched as a shadowy figure walked down the stairs. After a few minutes, my curiosity got the better of me and I slipped out of the bunk, because I didn't think I was going to be able to fall asleep again.

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