Part 24: cookies

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Mark and Jack performed their dance together and I was sure the fans were going to have a lot of fun photoshopping that crap. I watched as Ethan laughed, sniffling every once in a while. I tried to comfort him, but then again it was really hard to keep hiding the fact that we were dating. I was starting to wonder if Mark already knew... 

"Ok now we are going to do something else besides that," Mark said, pausing while the group laughed,

"Our next activity will be making valentines cards that we can hang from the ceiling."

"Wow mark your ideas are getting really elaborate." I said making a face at him. Almost instantly after, jack chimed in, "That sounds difficult." He muttered, reaching for supplies. Mark slapped Sean's hands.

"Ow!" Sean said, rubbing his hands. "Not yet, we are being timed for this, and then Amy will judge us."

"NOW!" Amy shouted from behind the camera. Everyone made a face before shouting and reaching desperately for the supplies. I reached for an empty sheet of paper when a small voice from behind me piped up. 

"y/n?" Ethan asked, still seated from his spot on the couch. "Yes?" I asked turning around.

"Can you get me supplies?" he asked with another sniffle. I smiled softly and nodded, while simultaneously rolling my eyes.


"TIME!" Amy shouted again. I had been deep into my project and apparently zoned out. I hadn't even paid attention to anything anyone else was doing, but I finished writing and set the card down. I leaned back on the couch and watched as Ethan nicely placed his card up and smiled sickly. I stared at him, slightly confused as to why he looked so happy.

Amy and Katherine approached the table and glanced at the cards. After they had moved through everyone else and got to me, I realized I sort of mistook the challenge. 

"SO- I wrote a poem..." I said nervously, a smile on my face. Mark shrugged,
" not exactly what I was looking for but ok." He said as Amy and Katherine looked at it. They evaluated it and moved on to the last person; Ethan. They picked up his card and began to read it. Amy hesitated,
"You wrote a letter to the sunshine?" she asked, staring at Ethan confused.

I nearly fainted and tried not to show it.

'oh no.' I thought to myself, remembering that was Ethan's new nickname for me. I watched as Ethan made a face at me followed by Mark and Tyler questioning him. I tried to hide my face as a light pink began to appear on my cheeks. 

Even though my nerves were off the charts at the moment, I reluctantly wanted to read the card.

"It's actually not that bad..." Amy muttered under her breath. I watched Ethan as he made a face of pride, followed by a slight smirk in my direction. I quickly attempted to cut off his gaze, hoping that he would take the hint.

"OK moving on..." Mark said, clearly emphasizing the awkwardness in the situation.

"Our next challenge is going to be decorating valentines cookies. Some other members of my crew already did the liberty of making heart shaped sugar cookies. After a quick word from our sponsors, we will be back and set up."

The camera cut and Mark immediately jumped up, in a panic trying to set things up. I stood up and turned to Ethan, reaching my hands out to help him up. Everyone watched as Ethan nearly toppled over me, laughing in my ear with another sniff. Mark then slid a table in our direction, nearly hitting the both of us. We backed up abruptly and watched as it came to stop. They pulled up two more tables and set them beside us, and then the group had to divide up. I ended up at the far end of the right table, and Ethan was on the far end of the left table. A bit inconvient, but it didn't stop us from making faces at each other. I stuck my tongue out at Ethan, just as mark announced we were back from the break.

After Amy yelled for us to start decorating, I immediately grabbed the pink and red frosting. I Put red and pink dots all around the cookie and then proceeded to blend it with a spatula. With all the stress that was happening in the current situation, I rarely was able to glance over at Ethan, although I could feel his gaze on me.

Me and my sister finished early and in my last moments of decorating, I accidently flicked a dab of red frosting onto my sisters nose. We both gasped and the team began to laugh before going back to their projects. A few seconds later I was continuing to converse with my sister, when she reached for a paper towel, I stopped her.

"wait wait wait!" I said, turning her attention towards me. I grabbed the remaining pink frosting and squirted a pink dollop onto my nose.

"There," I said, giggling. "Now we are even." I folded my arms tried to retain a serious exposure, that quickly fell through. After Katherine had yelled time, I watched as the guys copied our actions, and soon everyone's faces were covered with frosting. Amy and Katherine decided that we should clean up the mess before they judge the cookies. As I was handing some utensils to Mark, I locked eyes with Ethan. A small smirk crept across his face as he made his way behind everyone else and over to my side of the tables. I stood there, unable to move as I nervously tried to decide what to do. 

(Thanks for the support! this is pretty corny haha!)

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