Part 9: homesick

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Ethan pulled up another chair, and sat down next to me.

"Ethan, you should go to bed, you don't have to keep me company." I said, feeling guilty. He sighed and remained quiet. I'm not quite sure what he decided since he didn't give me an answer.

"Spot any constellations yet?" He asked. I stuttered at Ethan, not quite adjusted to the sudden change of topic.

"I-I thought I saw the Little Dipper." Ethan adjusted his head slightly to peer at the stars. I got a little nervous, judging by the fact I had just made a complete guess and knew nothing about stars.

"You're right. Oh, see there's the Big Dipper. And the North Star." Ethan replied. I leaned in closer to stare up at the sky. I spotted the constellation and then my eyes began to wander. We were up rather high, and there was a view of a nearby city below us. There were buildings and parks. I couldn't see much of the ocean from this part of the house. I guess Ethan could tell that I had spaced out.

"Pretty huh?" Ethan asked. I nodded slowly as I continued to stare at the horizon. Even though it was dark, I could pinpoint the exact line where the sky and the ocean met.

"I forgot how much of a view we have, I've been here for so long..." Ethan began to trail on,

"I've spent my whole life near the ocean." He said as I sat back in my seat and fixed my attention on Ethan.

"I wish you could've seen Maine, it was nothing like California. Green everywhere with a view of the ocean." I sighed in my seat,

"Not exactly the type of thing you would see in Ohio." I cut in. Ethan stopped for a moment and then turned towards me, resting his head against the window.

"What's Ohio like?" I forgot the question for a moment as my eyes got lost in Ethan's. They were a gorgeous celadon green, even in the dark their color was almost glowing. I shook my head and apologized silently before realizing what was happening. Even though I had partially answered this question, I decided I might as well elaborate.

"Well, we experience all the seasons to full extent. There is not a lot of water, like Maine. And almost everywhere you go you are surrounded by plains. The people there are so nice and..." I stopped for a moment and turned towards the window. I looked down at the city and for once realized how far away from home I was. I thought about how this was going to be my first holiday away from home. No family gathered around the fireplace when the new year happens. No mom and dad behind me sharing a kiss. I was alone with my sister. Ethan must have noticed that my expression changed because a second later he leaned in.

"Are you ok?" I could feel tears begin to well in my eyes. I thought about how long it would be before I saw my family, what if...

Ethan then stood up from his seat.

"y/n what's wrong?"I sniffed silently, I really messed up now.

"Nothing."I replied shaking. Like everyone, 'nothing' was never enough of an answer.

He stared at me with a look that intimidated me, I sniffed again.

"J-just a little homesick is all." I managed to stutter fighting back tears. I was trying so hard not to cry, I could feel my saliva turn sour, and my jaw clench. I stared at my feet and watched my vision fade from clear to a blurry state, I could not see Ethan beside me and I had no idea what he was doing at the moment.

Suddenly I felt a warm hand touch my shoulder. And I froze instantly. The warm contact sent shivers down my entire body. After a few seconds I was entirely embraced. I asked confused,

"What's this for?" I asked through stuttering tears.

"I'm just returning the favor." Ethan sniffed afterwards, an indication that he had possibly been crying, or possibly experiencing mid winter allergies. For some reason though, I could feel as though he was smiling just over my shoulder. 

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