Part 12: you sing?

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"Jealous?" I blushed slightly as I raised an eyebrow. He stared at his feet and seemed rather shy.

"Look, I'm the happiest I've been in a long time with you here. I'm protective ok? I'm not used to sharing my friends with others very often." He added hesitantly. The comment made no sense to me. Judging by the fact that he literally shared all of his friends collectively. Something was telling me this about more than just friends.

"Ethan if there is anything you want to tell me, you can," I said, smiling softly.

Why was I really hoping he was going to confess some feelings to me or something? We had only been around each other for a few days, 

Was I catching feelings? 

He glanced up at me and my heart skipped a beat. No answer, he just sat stone-faced looking at me.

He then ran his fingers through his hair and smirked,

"Well is there anything you wanted to tell me?" He asked softly, Oh no. Not the reverse game. 

Don't do this to me, Ethan, I thought to myself.

 I stayed silent and stared dead at him. Now I understood. If I told him the things I was feeling, I'm not sure if he would-

Ethan stood up to leave and then I finally blurted it out.

"I-" I stuttered for a moment,

"I like being around you too Ethan. It makes me happy." I simply smiled and said nothing else, hoping he would take this as some sort of hint. Ethan blushed a little and I didn't know whether or not I had said the right thing. He simply smiled and turned then left the room. I sighed heavily as though I had been holding my breath the whole time.

"That was tense..." I muttered to myself.


Tonight was New Year's Eve and everyone was rushing to get things done. I laughed at the fact that I once again was not going to go to sleep at the right time.

Mark had sent me on a mission to go and get supplies for tonight. The big New Years' party. Everyone was excited and we were all together for the occasion. I hadn't celebrated a holiday with Mark in years. The moon was going to be full and there would be no clouds in the sky, perfect weather.

After I had gotten ready I walked down the stairs and to the door. I was stopped by a familiar hand on my shoulder. In shock, I quickly whipped around. I saw Ethan standing there in his grey sweater. I stopped and stood there like a deer in the headlights. He looked... really good in that...

 Before I could say anything, Ethan began to speak.

"Do you mind if I come with you y/n?" He shifted his weight back and forth between his feet.

I was quite unsure at the moment, and my ADHD was causing a lack of concentration. Why couldn't I stop staring at him??? SAY SOMETHING IDIOT

"Uh..." I hesitated for a moment before realizing what he had just asked me,


" Y-yeah!" I stuttered out the answer in almost a panic it seemed.

He swallowed hard and reached out his hand and then put it behind me. I began to sweat, but his hand grabbed the doorknob behind me and I realized what was actually happening. 

Im stupid 

I stepped forwards and he opened the door for me. As I walked in front of him outside, I could hear his heavy footsteps behind me. This time Ethan insisted that he drive instead of me. I sat down beside him in the small car and began to glance around. It was surprisingly clean.

Ethan started the car and then turned to face me.

I needed to be casual. Why was I acting so weird? 

it's not like I... like him... right?

I began to sweat.

"You want to choose the music this time?" He asked and smiled and finally, I hoped things would go back to normal again. I reached for his phone and began to giggle.

"Yes, do you care what we listen to?" I asked. He shrugged and began to pull out of the driveway.

"No I'm fine with whatever." He replied casually. I pulled up YouTube and pressed on the search bar. Suddenly I got an idea. What type of music did Ethan listen to? I had literally no idea. I opened his playlists and found one labeled Cranky Tunes. I smiled to myself and clicked on it. I began to scroll through and I found a few old familiar pop songs. I got distracted before selecting a song and saw another playlist in the top corner. It was called my songs. I clicked on it and was shocked. 

It was a playlist with covers and originals he had sung. I did not know about this side of him. I wanted so badly to turn to him and ask him if he actually likes to sing. 

"Find anything yet?" Ethan asked, wondering what I was looking at. I probably looked strange just sitting there scrolling on his phone.

I expanded one of the songs and tried to get a better look at it.

It was a cover of I'll be home for Christmas. I clicked on it and then turned to face the window. I stared out at the afternoon sky that was mostly clear except for a few stratus clouds in sight.

I had no idea how Ethan was reacting behind me, but I could feel him move slightly in his seat.

As I started to focus on the song, I realize how good of a singer he was. I loved the way his voice sounded, I started to imagine him singing to our kids- 


As the song played out and then came to a stop, Ethan spoke as we rounded a corner.

"Why did you choose that? My voice sounds horrible." 

"I've fallen for you" (CrankgameplaysxReader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon