Part 20: quiet conversation

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Ethan chuckled as he opened his eyes.

"What?" I asked, turning my head towards him.

"Nothing." Ethan said, still smiling. Usually I wouldn't take 'nothing' as a valid answer, but at the moment I thought I would give him a break from my never ending questions.

Ethan rolled up over onto his side and stared at me, I looked over at him and for once I felt so lucky. I felt so lucky that I was offered this job, I felt so lucky that I got to meet ethan, I felt so lucky that my sister got to come along with me.

"Do you miss the snow?" My thoughts were interrupted by a question from Ethan. I continued to stare into his green eyes. They remained fixated into mine. I have always wondered what my eyes look like to a different person.

"Sometimes I do," I answered Ethan quietly.

I thought he would've have made another comment. But instead he simply sat there, just staring at me. I didn't know what to do since I had never been in this situation before. Occasionally now and then, I would hear my sister and jack laughing. He would give her a compliment and she would nearly scream. But other than that, it was quiet. It surprised me how long he sat there, how long he was able to entertain himself by doing nothing else except stare at me. Finally, he laid back down on his back and stared back at the sky. I watched him pull his phone out of his pocket and scroll through his Instagram. As I snuggled closer to him, he opened his photos and opened up one of the most recent takes. It was a video, I gazed intently at the phone, the instant he pressed play, I blushed.

I had just now realized that earlier today he had filmed me heading the kitchen. I had completely forgotten about that. Embarrassed, I sat up to lock eyes with him.

"How dare you." I scoffed, trying to fake a frown. Ethan giggled and kept his gaze upon the video.

"But you wook so coot." He said innocently. I blushed even harder and pulled the hoodie he was wearing down over his face. He laughed and pulled it up fixing his hair. I listened as I could hear panting. Heavy panting. I turned my head slightly and saw Chica bolting towards us. I screamed and circled up into a ball. I felt a whoosh of air as Chica jumped over us and landed on the other side of Ethan. I looked up in shock.

"That was close." Ethan said smiling. My heart was beating fast. We shared a soft chuckle, as I watched Chica make her way across the park. She joined back up with mark and Tyler, as the y continued to keep moving, indication they were making another lap around the trail.

My sister sat up from her place next to jack and stared at the two of us suspiciously.

"Hmmmmmmmm." she said. I joined her sitting up and sat criss cross.

"What?" I asked. She scooted closer to me and got about 3 inches from my face.

"Are you and Ethan dating." I felt like slapping kim, she was too good and there was no chance of keeping any secrets from her. I forgot they were there I shouldn't have let ethan flirt with me.

"Maybe. But you can't tell anyone!" I said defensively. Jack then lifted his head up and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I kind of heard you so..." I rolled my eyes and cut him off,

"Fine, But the both of you can't tell anyone!" From behind me Ethan sat up and leaned his face in close to mine.

"I kind of heard you too" I giggled while also being slightly annoyed as I shoved ethan away.

"You are the one dating me stupid!" I screeched. The three of them shared a laugh while I happily pouted. (It's a thing.)

I turned just in time to see mark and Tyler making their way over to the blankets. The two of them were laughing about something that I was unaware of. They collapsed onto the blankets and sat there.

I sighed, "is anyone hungry?" I asked.

Immediately all other six people raised there hands and we laughed.

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