Part 4: Help has arrived

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"y/n?" I rolled over in my bed, covering my eyes. I couldn't quite tell if I was sleeping or awake. "y/n?!" Finally, after the question had been repeated again, I rubbed my eyes and opened them. I saw my sister standing beside the top bunk staring directly at me. I jumped slightly in place,

"Yes?"I asked. She stared at me worried. "What do you need?" I asked again.

"y/n, it's almost noon!" Once again I stirred around in my bed and then attempted to sleep. After a few seconds, I realized mark had to film another video today, so I decided I should make my way downstairs.

I trudged down the stairs in my PJs, a total wreck, just to enter the kitchen and see everyone seated at the table. As soon as Kim led me into the kitchen, Mark almost jumped with surprise

"Finally where the f*ck have you been?" he asked. I chuckled and attempted to sit down in the nearest chair. I almost fell over and then rested my head on the table, still exhausted. My sister sat down next to me and talked about how she was up early this morning drawing stuff, I can't relate. Just then, Ethan walked into the kitchen, he was at least dressed, but still, looked as tired as ever.

"Oh look, Mr. Sleepyhead finally decided to join us too!" Tyler called out sarcastically. Everyone at the table laughed. Ethan glanced at me and we shared a smirk of, 'you have no idea.'

After a short lunch, mark stood up from the table and placed his plate into the dishwasher. He stopped at the doorway and turned around to talk to me.

"I have a Livestream at 2 PM, you think you have a minute to decorate, or..." Mark glanced at me up and down, realizing once again how much of I mess I was.

"Uhm..."I said looking down at my pajamas. From across the table, Ethan commented,

"Do you need any help?" Everyone stared at Ethan, confused. I figured maybe he didn't offer help to strangers that often or maybe people were confused about why Ethan and I had already become such close friends. Once again, they have literally no idea. After a few moments of silence, I stuttered a reply.

"that would be helpful but if you don't want to you don't have to," I said as Ethan finished his cup of orange juice.

"I would love to," He smiled as he stood up from the dinner table to put away his dish. Mark stood stone-faced in the doorway,

"That was a yes right? Can I leave now?" he asked. I turned my head towards the doorway and realized he had been there the whole time.

"Yeah I will, but I am not changing out of my pajamas," I said sighing. As Mark left the room, Tyler began to laugh hysterically.

"Someone isn't going to be happy when they have to appear on the Livestream." He said, knowing mark wouldn't let me sit this out. 

"haha she really wants to stay in her pajama's," Ethan said, helping me up from the table, I guess he could tell how tired I was. I nearly tripped in front of him but caught myself in time. 

Non-lethargic me would really not have been ok with my decision, and the thought of thousands of people seeing me in pajamas would have scared me. But at the moment, my level of exhaustion was too high for me to really care. (LMBO me every day)

"y/n, I know where the décor closet is, I will show you."Ethan said, as I stared at him confused, "you guys actually have décor?". I followed Ethan down the hallway and into a corner of the house. He opened a door and I gasped when my eyes beheld terrifying stairs into a dark basement. Ethan turned to me and chuckled,

"You aren't scared are you?" Ethan asked. 

'Im not scared but,' I paused while thinking to myself, 'It sure is fun to mess with him sometimes. his nose crinkle is pretty cute when he's playing around.' I shook my head trying to forget I just thought that. 

"What? I'm not..." by trying to seem tough, I ran down the stairs into the dark without turning on the lights.
"y/n! Come back! ThErE aRe MoNsTeRs dOwN tHeRe!!!" I laughed as I continued to bolt down the stairs. We were acting like kids. I figured Ethan would turn on the lights from the top of the steps, but to my disappointment, I was left in utter darkness. Without thinking I continued bolting at lightning speed, causing me to come crashing down a few steps from the bottom. I let out a gasp as I hit the carpeted floor a few feet below.

Immediately after I had made a sound, the lights came flickering on and Ethan began to come running down the stairs.

"Are you ok?" He said, peering over me. I rolled over on to my back and sighed,

"Yeah, I am." We shared a laugh, "Who's the scaredy-cat now." I said proudly, Ethan continued to laugh as he helped me up, admitting defeat,


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