Part 5: Livestream

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The basement was jam-packed full of boxes and gadgets and things I didn't even recognize. As I peered around one corner I could see a few pieces of furniture. The basement smelled like a mix between new leather and candles. Ethan led me a few feet to a certain few stacks of boxes that were labeled with different holidays. He pointed to one that said New Years and I reached up to grab it. Sadly I was too short and Ethan had to assist me. We carried the boxes upstairs and set them in the studio. Ethan and I went back and forth adjusting things here and there. He was right, he was good at decorating. We finished a few minutes before the stream started, and I apologized for taking so much of Ethan's time.

"Hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome back to another Livestream!!!!!"

It felt nice to listen to Mark in person and watch his ecstatic personality doing its thing. I sat behind the camera silently laughing. When mark mentioned Sean (jacksepticeye) was coming later during the stream, my sister screamed and everyone began to laugh. She and I were behind the camera and I was concerned about what the viewers would think. I watched Ethan sitting with Mark on the other side and they both stared at me as though I was liable. However, they did laugh it off.

I watched after only a few minutes of being in front of the camera, Ethan's gaze began to wander. He looked over at me and caught my attention. I smiled and asked him "do you need anything." quietly. He shook his head and smiled. I sat there, returning his gaze with an innocent smile. I had never felt this happy in a long time. Tyler nudged Ethan on the shoulder, telling him to pay attention, before winking at me. I blushed madly and turned the other way.

They looked so happy and it made me happy to see them laughing.

Sure enough, a few minutes before Sean was arriving, mark asked me to join them. I reluctantly entered the filming section of the studio and sat down on the couch in between Ethan and mark, still in my pajamas, but at least I did my hair. Mark announced that me and my sister were new recruits of the team and very good friends. He asked Kim if she wanted to join, but she said she would wait for sean.

"We are going to be playing more seven-second challenge." Mark grinned as he stared around the group. I was the only girl and I figured this ought to be interesting.

"Tyler you are first."Tyler groaned as he stood up in front of the camera.

Mark held the phone closer to his face and began to read off the instructions, "Sing the chorus to old McDonald had a farm, in a British accent." All of us began to laugh as Tyler attempted to do the command. In the end, we told him he accomplished the task, even though it was a pretty horrible accent, lol. For some reason, I felt like I couldn't stop staring at Ethan. Every single time anyone did anything, I always turned towards him to see how he reacted.

Finally, it was Ethan's turn and I was more than a little bit excited.

"Propose to your phone." Ethan put his hands up to his face.

"Oh..." leaned in on the couch closer, but I tried to act like I wasn't too interested. What can I say? I just couldn't help myself. Ethan got down on his knees while he had mark hold the phone. "Birtha, I have-" before Ethan could continue with his sentence, Tyler burst out laughing. "BIRTHA?" The group began to tease Ethan and I couldn't help but laugh along. A big grin arose on Ethan's face as he fought back his laughter, "Shut up, anyways. Birtha, I have been with you for so long now. We were just meant to be I think. Will you marry me?" The group chuckled and began to applaud Ethan. "you didn't make the seven-second limit but whatever.." Mark said. Ethan blushed as he came back to sit next to me, I gave him I high-five as we switched roles.

The next few rounds were just as amazing. I was so happy and I wanted the stream to last forever. After a little while, Sean showed up. He greeted everyone and even gave Kim a hug. She just about started crying afterward. As Sean made his way in front of the camera, I switched places with my sister. She was so jittery and I thought she would scream any second now. As I began to walk off the platform Ethan followed me and stepped off. As I sat on a couch behind the camera, Ethan stood in front of me, "You aren't going to stay on?" He asked. "My sister is going to trade me spots. I thought I should take a breather." I knew I was lying, I felt like I would never tire of being out there but, I wanted to sit back and watch Ethan without worrying of all eyes being on me. "I will sit with you then, " Ethan walked a few feet to grab a chair and bring it closer to me. "Oh you don't have to-" "No really, it's ok. I do need a moment to catch my breath." He plopped down in my sister's seat and stared intently at the group.

"Thanks' for coming." Mark shook hands with Sean as they shared a chuckle. "Oh, I wouldn't miss being humiliated for anything else in the world!" Kim began to laugh, I motioned to her that it was little too much. She nodded and then attempted to tone it down. It was a blast watching the two of them converse. 

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