Part 23: valentines stream

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After I was sure Ethan was in bed, I began to unload the decorations. I decided that minimal ones was the best option. It did seem rather strange to me how Mark was doing so many streams, but he did tell me it was one of his new years resolutions.

I setup a simplistic display and ran it by Mark. He said it was nice for the stream, since he had a few activities where we could make some decorations.

"We are live in 10 minutes." I heard someone say from the back. I realized that maybe I had run slightly over what time I thought I would be taking up. We rushed to get everything ready and piled everyone down on our large couch. We piled all of the supplies in front of us and sat down in Mark's assigned order.

Reading from left to right:

Mark, Tyler, Kim, Jack, and Me.

Time seemed to fly by faster than I was originally anticipating.

"Hello Everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome back to another charity stream."

I sat there, slightly spacing out at my own internal panic. I had this feeling that I had forgotten something...
"Ethan!" I shouted loudly at the far end of the couch. Everyone turned and looked at me, and I could feel my face turning red.

"Pardon?" Jack asked.

"Yeah, where is Ethan..." I could hear Tyler mutter from the other end of the couch.

Mark stared at me confused and slightly upset at the fact that I had just interrupted his stream.

I began to stutter, "I forgot to wake up Ethan." I finally said. Everyone looked around.

"Oh yeah, " Mark said glancing around and then turning back towards me. "Do you want to go grab him real fast?"

I stood up from my spot on the couch and then stopped,

"But he is sick, do you think we should let him sleep?" I asked nervously. Mark shrugged and the group shared a chuckle.

"Yeah sure, lets let him sleep." Mark said, brushing it off.Mark then turned back towards the camera and made his usual animated face.

"Every stream that we do has a theme. Now, us having no other f*cking ideas, we thought:

Why not make a pre valentines stream because it is less than a month away?"

The group began to laugh and then Mark introduced our activities.

"Valentines is a time of love, a time to find love. And if you are like those few sh*tty people out there, it's a time to break up with the one you love." We all laughed and a few of us made faces. Me and Tyler stared at each other in shock.

Mark took a break from his speech for us to laugh, and impressively didn't break his character.

"Valentines day should be spent with the one you love, and ironically enough I am the only one here who is in a relationship."

"MARK!" I shouted from the end of the couch. The group was still laughing. While jack was murmuring,  "thats rough man."
The sentence made my sister laugh. 

I laughed with the group but thought to myself, if mark only knew...

Our first activity was that we were teaching each other dance moves, the more money we raised, the weirder stuff we would do. Including the fact that mark and jack would do a dance together.

Mark was now teaching the choreography of a dance to Jack, while the rest of the group was seated on the couch, watching eagerly.

All of a sudden, a familiar face walked into the studio.

There stood Ethan, fully dressed in pjs, bundling a blanket around him. He trudged poutily over to where I was sitting.

"You were supposed to wake me up." He said, disguising his voice as though he were a six year old child. He stood in front of me, slouched over and frowning sadly.

"Aww you poor thing." Jack said from behind Ethan, trying to immitate his face.

Ethan drew his hand out at jack and pointed angirly, while trying not to laugh.

"THIS DOESN'T INVOLVE YOU!" He shouted, furrowing his brows at Jack. Jack flinched and began to laugh.

"Sh*t!" Jack shouted in the middle of the stream. The group then laughed and I pulled Ethan down beside me,

"What the heck was that?" I said, laughing. The people watching the livestream were probably very confused at the moment. Ethan sneezed and then broke out in a giggle,

"I'm not quite sure, I dont feel that great-" 

(Sorry this took so long I kept forgetting about it, and I'm also going to try to make my future parts longer and more detailed, thank you!)

(Thanks for the support!)

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