Part 16: another livestream

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"Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier, and welcome back to another Livestream. This is a celebration of my two newest crew members and I thought it would be fun too..." Mark paused for a moment while he pulled out a CD.

"React to old videos of us together." 

I gasped and covered my face.

"No no no," I whispered, leaning towards Ethan who was laughing and looked rather pleased.

Mark loaded the CD and began to rub his hands back and forth, making an evil smirk. I was so not ready for this.

The first clip opened to a scene of mark and Tyler running around the neighborhood. It made us all laugh. The second scene was one where Mark was filming on what looked to be an old phone.

When I say Mark was like an older brother to me, I meant it. You have no idea how many times our family asked him to babysit me and my younger sister. I don't know why my parents trusted a young boy to do it, but our families were just so close.

Mark held the phone close to his face,

"I'm babysitting," he said. The audio was so bad, and the group all cringed.

He then turned the phone and there sat me and my sister watching some old cartoons I couldn't quite make out. I turned around from my spot on the floor and glared at Mark. While the group laughed, Ethan simply turned to me and said,

"Aww look how cute." His baby voice was adorable, I blushed but punched him in the shoulder non the less, followed by me and him laughing. 

The rest of the videos were so adorable, along with some embarrassing falls and fights, and Mark and Tyler getting in trouble for dumb things. After they were over though, I was happy we had watched them. Felt nice to take a trip down memory lane, it was crazy how grown-up we all were now, even though I still felt like a kid. 

Everyone stood up from the couch and left the room as Mark did his outro. I remained sitting in my spot, covering my face with my hands. After Ethan got off the couch he turned around to stand in front of me. 

Mark finished his outro and stood up, "That was funny." He said, laughing. "Well, that's a wrap for today," Mark then exited the room following everyone else. 

Ethan and I took a sigh of relief, it was kind of funny being all secretive. 

"I'm sweating," I said as I looked up at him. Ethan chuckled as he reached out a hand, I grabbed ahold and he pulled me up onto my feet. Forgetting Ethan was a lot stronger than me, I fell forwards onto him. Ethan braced, probably knowing that was going to happen so luckily we didn't fall backward. Blushing, I looked up at him, Ethan laughed. 

"You're cute you know," Ethan said, running a hand along my neck. My heart began to beat faster and I could feel my face turning red. 

"I think we should clean up the decor," I said, not being able to make eye contact with him. 

why was I so nervous???

Ethan chuckled, "Alright alright." he said with a kiss on my forehead. I blushed even harder as I stumbled my way over behind the couch. 

"Do you think mark has noticed yet?" Ethan asked, stacking a box. I picked up an item and shrugged,

"I don't know, you seem to be having trouble hiding it." I chuckled and gave him a smirk.

"Hey it's pretty hard too," He said, balancing himself against the wall for a moment.

"I've never had to hide something like this before."

We took the boxes and carried them into the basement. I almost fell down the stairs again, and Ethan made a joke about it.

As we walked back up the stairs, we found Mark standing there.

"Hey um, me and Amy are going out just as a heads up." mark said. "Make sure you guys watch the dogs." Ethan gave a thumbs up and I nodded.

"Sounds good," I said as I made my way around Mark. Mark made his way over to the door and called for Amy who was sitting in the kitchen. I listened as the two of them exited the house and shut the door. I walked upstairs to my room and sat upon the top bunk. I watched as Ethan followed me and rested his body against the ladder. We both pulled out our phones and sat there for a minute before my sister walked into the room.

"There you are," I said as she plopped down on the bunk below us. I leaned my head over the bunk and peered down at her.

"I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie," I said, hoping to turn it into like a double date situation. 

She shrugged, "sure." I immediately leaped out of the bunk and ran down the stairs, I immediately stopped halfway down the stairs to turn around and talk to Ethan, he almost fell forwards onto me.

"Can you get jack?" I asked. He nodded and headed back up the stairs.

I ran into the movie room and laid out blankets on the carpet floor. Ethan came down a second later with my sister and jack.

"What are you doin?" Jack asked.

"What, you never watched a movie on the floor before?" 


(I swear the story is going to get more interesting just wait.)

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