Part 8: not again...

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After I had made the phone call, we trudged up the stairs and back into the kitchen. As we walked towards the door, a voice from the table stopped us.

"Are you guys going to get the pizza? Would you care if we came with?" I shrugged at sean,
"No, I don't mind." As sean stood up he walked around the table and turned back around,

"You wanna come Kim?" She stood up fast and eagerly,

"Sure!" Man, I don't know what happened while I was gone, but they sure were starting to become close friends.

The winter air was chilly as always, I gripped tight to my sleeves and continued to walk in the cold. We went in my car because I wanted to drive. Ethan sat beside me in the passenger's seat while Kim and jack sat behind us. Kim immediately called dibs on music, and I was somewhat ok with it. The drive wasn't very long, us living in the middle of LA. For the first part of the ride Ethan was quiet and didn't say much. Luckily though, by the drive back I got him to start singing. Kim and jack had been laughing the whole ride, and violently singing along to the music; it was nice to see them so happy.

I tried not to think about everything that had happened early, but it was really hard not to. I didn't know anything about Ethan, but after today's talk I was drawn to him. After hearing about his hard highschool experience I just want to be there for him.

When we got back to the house we all laughed and talked as we ate a short dinner. We all retired to bed pretty early. Ethan stopped me in the hallway right before I went to bed.

"Thank you btw." I stared at him confused.

"Thanks for what?" I asked.

"For listening to me talk, I know I can go on and on sometimes-" I cut him off,

"You are fine Ethan, I like listening to you talk." I paused for a moment, forgetting my train of thought. Ethan stood there nervously. "I'm sorry you had a horrible high school experience. Now I better get to bed, goodnight?" My hands were sweating, why was I so nervous all of a sudden?

I turned around and opened the door to me and Kim's room.

"Don't let the bed bugs bite!" Ethan shouted as he entered back into his room, leaving the door slightly a jar. I giggled and entered my room, shutting the door behind me.

"OOOOOOOO." My sister smirked from my top bunk, I hadn't seen her there. "Someone's got a crush..." I smirked and folded my arms, about to throw hands with her

"Yeah? Well what about you and jack, has he kissed you yet?" My sister rolled her eyes, and slipped down from the top bunk,

"You wish!" She slipped into the bottom bunk and grabbed her phone. I was going to make another comment but then I realized I would probably start a war. I sighed,

"OK fine fine, you got me. Let's get some sleep."

The night seemed colder than usual, which was especially for me since I am a very light sleeper.

A few hours into the night and I was awoken by my own thoughts; vivid dreams of home. New year's tomorrow night was going to be the first holiday without my family. I was going to start a new year without any of them besides my sis. I never thought I would deal with these problems, and for some reason, they were hitting me harder than I had ever expected. I almost felt like I could cry. After almost an hour of me doing nothing but staring at the ceiling, I once again climbed down from the bunk and made my way downstairs quietly. I couldn't keep this bad habit up, staying up all night is not going to be good for me in the long run. I was so tired, but I couldn't get any sleep due to my stupid homesickness. To make it even worse there wasn't anything I could do about it, how long was I going to feel like this? I entered the kitchen and pulled a chair up next to the window. I wrapped my blanket around me and stared outside at the stars. It wasn't exactly like looking at the stars in Ohio, but it made me feel better anyway. I smiled but I still didn't dare attempt to sleep again. When I could feel the hairs rising on my neck, I whipped around and was startled half to death by Ethan behind me. I fell off the chair and hit the hardwood floor. I wanted to shout but bit my tongue to prevent waking anyone else up. Ethan gasped as he walked around the chair to help me up. I sat back in the chair and began to catch my breath again.

"What was that for?" I whispered loudly.

" I was going to tell you I was here but..." Ethan hesitated a moment before finishing his thought.

"But I couldn't stop staring." My heart nearly stopped in the moment. Ethan gasped suddenly realizing what he said, he proceeded to rub the back of his neck awkwardly,

"Thank you?" I blushed, I was counting on the dark to conceal most of my face.

"What are you doing down here?" Ethan asked, looking at me confused. I turned towards him,

"I was about to ask you the same question," I said, still blushing in the dark. Ethan sighed,

"You woke me up, unfortunately-" He answered nervously. I gave a heavier sigh this time,

"Not again..." I groaned. 

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