Part 10: chaos

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After a few seconds, I sat up and wiped my eyes.

"Look, Ethan," I turned towards him, and now I had my confirmation about his sniffle.

His celadon colored eyes were staring directly at me, softly crying.

"You don't have to help me, I'm really ok," I said as Ethan sighed and pulled away. I thought it was strange how he showed so much confidence and affection towards me. I did not know Ethan very well, but from what Mark had told me he was not usually so straight forward with strangers. I have only known Ethan for almost three days now, that is not a lot of time.

"You know, I miss Maine sometimes, and my brother especially." Ethan chimed in,  "But somehow there are things I wish I had left sooner." The comment made me raise an eyebrow at him.

"What was so bad about Maine?" I asked confused. He once again sighed and sat back in his seat. He rested his head in his hands and stared out the window again. I watched his eyes follow the light of nearby passing cars.

"Not Maine; my childhood." The answer was still just as confusing and gave me no more hints. From what he had told me, he loved his family and-

"I didn't make enough decisions. I felt like other people made them for me but," he said as he smiled,

"When I came out here, I realized that I had the ability to do anything I wanted. It scared me at first but, I finally got to make my own choices. I didn't have people watching over me constantly, intimidating me into doing their will." He turned towards me and just stared at me for a moment before turning back towards the window,

"I get to choose what I want." For some reason the comment made me blush, I hoped the dark would hide my face enough. I made no comment, for I had literally nothing to say. My mind had been racing with so many thoughts, but I was caught completely off guard and now I had forgotten all of them. Ethan was really something else... Before I had the chance to say anything else, Ethan cut in again.

" y/n do you see that?" I immediately looked up and stared out the window. There were two teenage boys walking the street. I laughed,

"You mean those teenagers?" I took it as a joke, but Ethan grew tense for some reason.

"What are they doing all the way up here at this time of night?" He asked. I shrugged and Ethan scooted in closer to me. I could feel his shoulder brush up against mine.

"Teenagers do dumb things, they are probably drunk." I thought literally nothing of it, I could care less about some kids. I glanced at Ethan who had his gaze fixated on them. I then watched the boys cross the street and come towards our house.

"I hope they are harmless..." Ethan muttered under his breath. One thing I did know for sure about Ethan was the fact that he was super protective of things, probably his car for one thing. The thought made me chuckle.

The boys then stood on the sidewalk and began to talk with each other. They must have raised their voices, for I could have sworn I could hear them faintly from inside. I then double-checked that all the lights were off so that they wouldn't see us, and I scooted closer towards the window. I sighed,

"I love people watching, "I said as Ethan chuckled,

"That's a little creepy." He replied with a look.

"Hey, there is a lot you can learn about someone just by watching them for a few minutes." The moods of the two boys began to change, and I watched as they began to push each other. I guessed they were messing around but, then again I couldn't quite tell. 

They moved towards the street again and continued to shout.

"They are going to wake up the whole block at this rate." Ethan said.  They began to push eachother again, more aggressively this time. They were really far gone, and way too drunk to be out this late. I was so tempted to pull out my phone and start filming, it was kind of funny.

When I thought things were a joke, I watched as the first boy threw a punch and managed to lock the second in the jaw. It made me cringe and suddenly realize the sincerity of the situation.

" That's going to hurt." I said. Ethan made no comment and stared, fixated on the two of them.

"If this gets out of hand, I'm calling the cops." He replied half-joking half-serious.

"let's hope not," I replied back, in a slight panic. But to my horror, I watched as the two of them exchanged punches and didn't hold back. It reminded me of fights in the high school cafeteria, except so much more brutal. Then the second boy, walked towards our house, grabbed a rock or two on our front lawn, and then proceeded to throw them. I gasped, wondering if this was actually happening or not. 

Am I dreaming?

I began to worry some more. After a few tries, the rock then hit the first boy in his shoulder. I couldn't stop watching everything happening. I noticed the rock has sliced right through his t-shirt. I grabbed on to Ethan's shirt and clenched tight. Unaware of what I was really doing. I watched as a car came speeding down the street and one of the boys got hit. Ethan and I both stood up from our seats in a hurry.

"Oh dear uhm-" I said, not knowing how I was supposed to react. Ethan then patted his pockets, groaning.

"My phone is in my room..." he muttered under his breath. He turned towards me and reached out his hand.

"Do you have yours?" I instantly opened my phone and handed it to him. I watched as he dialed for the police and put it towards his ear.

"Hello? I would like to report-"  I then listened as he listed the problem and our address. He paused for a moment,  I assumed someone was talking to him. With the phone still held tight to his ear, he sat back down rather close to me. I glanced at him on the phone, he made eye contact with me, and gave me a smile that said. 

'well this is fun, huh?'

 "This is not how I thought this night would go." I whispered to myself.

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